Recent content by spectragal

  1. S

    Hertz level of solid state matter

    Is there a general level of vibration that describes most solid state matter that we can touch? Perhaps in hertz?
  2. S

    Mass Defect & the Strong Force in Nucleons

    I appreciate the both of you helping me wrap my brain around the mass defect concept. It seems like the more I learn, the more questions I end up having lol. Thanks again.
  3. S

    What is the context of observation in this video?

    Now I am going really abstract. Is it possible that all living sentient beings are multi-level beings, and that we are only aware of this collective conscious level? Perhaps on the other levels we are collectively holding this reality together through obersevation so that we can experience...
  4. S

    What is the context of observation in this video?

    I have to tread carefully because I am a beginner student of quantum physics and am studying it because I like the philisophical nature of it. I believe the observer is any sentient being (even a chicken) that has intent and forms conclusions based on what it observes. I remember seeing a...
  5. S

    Mass Defect & the Strong Force in Nucleons

    Thank you LostConjugate - I think I am on my way to understanding this. The strong force (binding energy) is considered potential energy because the nucleons are in a free state - correct? Then when it is measured, or observed into being it slows down and gives up it's potential energy in the...
  6. S

    Mass Defect & the Strong Force in Nucleons

    I was wondering how mesons or the strong force is accounted for in mass defect. Nucleons individually have more mass then when they are bound together in a nucleus of an atom. I saw a teacher/professor speak on youtube. He said the binding energy (strong force) was calculated as part of the...
  7. S

    Mirrors & Photons: More Light in 6' x 6' Room w/Mirror?

    I guess what I am getting at is, pretend that the photon is blind - I know how strange this sounds. Both the ceiling and the mirror of both spaces is made of glass. One ceiling is painted with a flat chalky grey substance and the other is painted with a slick shiny silver/grey substance...
  8. S

    Mirrors & Photons: More Light in 6' x 6' Room w/Mirror?

    Thank you for that. I have one more question. I understand that the ceiling material without the mirror, and some of the walls, would have absorbed the majority of the photons. Now using the scenerio with the mirror, the mirror would absorb some of the photons but not as many, correct...
  9. S

    Mirrors & Photons: More Light in 6' x 6' Room w/Mirror?

    Hypothetical question: Someone is in a 6' x 6' x 6' lightly ventilated space with a mirrored ceiling and a lit candle on a small table. Is there more photons in the room due to the mirror on the ceiling? Is there twice as much light as there would have been if there were no mirror in the...