Recent content by sparkscience

  1. S

    Programs Should I still major in Physics?

    Oh and I wanted to thank everyone so much for all the input, expecially arunma-your reply was very educating and has answered many questions that have been bouncing around in my mind ^.^
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    Programs Should I still major in Physics?

    Thank you all so much. I feel better now that I have more insight. I have two more questions then: 1. I am going to a junior college right now to get all of my pre-requisits out of the way. I will be transferring to a 4 year in about two years. What are some good colleges to apply to? (So far...
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    Programs Should I still major in Physics?

    I love physics and astronomy. I am either going to stick with my major in physics or switch to astrophysics. I am not sure yet. I have a funny story. I ran away in my senior year and got married. I got a G.E.D. in New Mexico after I got married. I am divorced now and going to college finally. In...
  4. S

    Electric Conductors and Storage

    I know it makes no sense seeing how I don't know much. I like experiementing with things and sometimes it gets a bit dangerous. Like shocking myself. I am working on a project with my brother. I don't know scientific terms that good but am going to school so I can learn more. We know what we...
  5. S

    Electric Conductors and Storage

    [b]1. I am wanting to find more out about how electricity could be absorbed by some sort of conductor and then stored in a different containter from container a to container be. Saying that this were to be done from container a where electricity would be generated and roaming freely, needing to...