Recent content by Spakfilla

  1. S

    Thermal properties of materials

    Hey came across this question in my physics textbook. If the surface of a material is under compression, is it hot or cold relative to the body of the same piece of material? Unfortunately their explanation doesn't make any sense what so ever! Would anyone like to give an explanation that makes...
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    Finding Moments of a Beam: Where Did I Go Wrong?

    Thanks so much I now see my mistake. Got the directions mixed up! Damn got to be more careful
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    Finding Moments of a Beam: Where Did I Go Wrong?

    Homework Statement Find the Fay this is static equilibrium so ƩF=0 and ƩM=0 Homework Equations ƩMa=0 = 2x5 + (-4x25) + (2Fby) Fby= 45 Newtons Using ƩFy we get Fay= impossible! Now if take the moment about point B i get ƩMb=0 = (4x5)+(-2x25)+2Fay Fay = 15kN Using ƩFy we get...
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    Calculate Rocket Momentum & Thrust: 20,000kg, 600kg/s, 300m/s

    A 20 000kg rocket exhausts gases at a constant 600kg per second at 300ms^-1 a) Calculate the momentum of the exhaust gases b) Deduce the thrust applied to the rocket engines Any help would be much appreciated
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    Physics What do medical and radiation physicists do?

    G'day I was just wondering whether anyone could tell me the possible carrer paths of a medical physicist. Also what exactly do they do? Thanks
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    Exploring the Science of Heat: What Makes an Object Hot?

    And what makes its temperature larger?
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    Exploring the Science of Heat: What Makes an Object Hot?

    G'day This question may sound silly but believe it or not i can't seem to find the answer on the internet, What makes a hot object hot?
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    How Does the Inverse Square Law Affect Communication with Distant Spacecraft?

    G'day Was just wondering if there are any implications the inverse square law has for the transmission of energy for communicating with spacecraft traveling into the outer regions of the solar system? Thanks