Recent content by SpaceChic21

  1. S

    Inertia, Friction & Velocity in Golf

    Clarification The question was how those physics concepts apply to the sport of golf. Why are they important to golf?
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    Inertia, Friction & Velocity in Golf

    Morons you know I hate mean people, I am an intulectual who takes physics seriously and you have offended me! MMMM... Physicsness
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    Inertia, Friction & Velocity in Golf

    Explain the inertia, friction and acceleration/velocity of Golf. Thank you
  4. S

    Traveling to different Universes?

    Not possible Many physicists believe that time has/is an arrow that points in the direction that we are traveling in now. Since they think this, they also think that is impossible to go back in time at all because we wouldn't be able to change the direction of the arrow. I'm really not sure...