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  1. S

    Shell & Tube Falling Film Evaporator Nickel Tubes Collapsed

    An unfortunate incident happened at our triple effect caustic evaporator (32w.t% to 51w.t%). The third effect (highlighted red) where major steam (~12-13bar depending on flowrate) assisted evaporation take place, here for some reason Ni tubes get severely collapsed, while the plant was offline...
  2. S

    Moist Chlorine & Hydrogen Psychrometric or Mollier Chart

    Sir, what further information should I share. I think am pretty much clear
  3. S

    Moist Chlorine & Hydrogen Psychrometric or Mollier Chart

    In our electrolysis of brine, Cl2 & H2 are produced as gaseous products along with aqueous NaOH. In this scenario I require what amount of maximum moisture can Cl2 or H2 hold up at specific temperature & pressure (precisely 85celsius & 1.2bar absolute). Two coolers (shell/tube exchanger with...
  4. S

    Negative & Positive Shear Factor

    My question relates to constructional geometry & matrices aren't to be involved in the solution because stated Math level is up to O Levels... The figure below shows shear with y=3 as invariant line & shear-factor of 3 My question is if you are provided the original polygon & asked to do shear...
  5. S

    Difference b/w Retrorockets & Vernier thrusters

    Retros used for deorbital/orbital insertions..ok thnx got it. But verniers used for altitude control?...ths makes no sense in the presence of large primary nozzles which are to take care about altitude. I thing verniers are for orientation control.
  6. S

    Difference b/w Retrorockets & Vernier thrusters

    these two term are different but from photos the two components looks quiet alike..i had done some search but can't grasp ACTUAL difference b/w the two as both are small rocket auxillary nozzles... by the way I have been able to discover what is in the first photo but can't identify a...
  7. S

    Small Liquid Rocket Engines for Sale | Glow Fuel Propellant

    for safety measure I vote for liquid rather than solid rocket engines...atleast via a safe valve (if something goes wrong) you can put off the supply line of fuel/oxidiser
  8. S

    Book about Aviation (not advanced)?

    Start with this another good book free..
  9. S

    Exploring Air-Flow Characteristics on Swept Wings

    ^^ Thnx both of you for your contributions
  10. S

    Exploring Air-Flow Characteristics on Swept Wings

    regarding ambiguity b/w fences & GasterBumps(I can't find any picture. of the latter) Regarding 2nd question. In my understanding the pure-delta wing is highly prone to stall at high AoA reason is the spanwise flow! This problem thus can be...
  11. S

    Exploring Air-Flow Characteristics on Swept Wings

    YouTube - Air-Flow Characteristics on a 40 Degree Swept Back Wing the above video indicates that as the angle of attack rises the span-wise airflow rises & more probably the leading wing edges will stall first. Also notice that no appreciable change in airflow occurs at the root(attachment...
  12. S

    Which is the airfoil having highest lift to drag ratio?

    for highest lift you must make something like B-2; I.e blending fuselage with wings in such a way that the whole resulting shape acts like an airfoil! Uploaded with see the sideview of B-2 just like an...
  13. S

    Which is the airfoil having highest lift to drag ratio?

    There occurs various hybrid wings; however currently the most researched is Morphing Wings
  14. S

    Folding "+" or Non-folding "X" Rear Fins?

    Guys,, but their must be some difference b/w choosing + over x