Recent content by sony

  1. S

    How Does Independence Affect Conditional Expectations in Probability Theory?

    Question 1) I have X and Y independent stoch. variables What is E[X^2 * Y | X] ? does it generally hold that if X and Y are independent, then every function of X (eg X^2) is independent of Y? Does E[X^2 * Y | X] then become E[X^2|X]*E[Y|X] = E[X^2|X]*E[Y] since X^2 is independent of...
  2. S

    Multiple regression and Time Series

    Hi, I'm in a college statistics course where I'm doing an assignement with Minitab. I have a one month time series of electricity use (hour intervals). I've attempted to remove the season effect from weekdays by index multiplication so all I'm left with (hopefully) is the effect from...
  3. S

    Mental math: Division of remainders

    tiny-tim, Thank you, I found a guide on Wikipedia that proved very helpful. HallsofIvy: Then I obviously didn't know long division, I didn't know you could use that to figure out the decimal value of the remainder. Your explanation helped. Thanks
  4. S

    Mental math: Division of remainders

    I'm working on moving away from long time slavery to the calculator Most forms of division and multiplication is going well now (long division and in some instances lattice multiplication) One thing I DON'T get though (and can't find any guides for) is dividing remainders. For example...
  5. S

    How can I use the result of sin(PI/8) to find the cos and sin of other angles?

    I have (from a complex equation problem) found the following angles in the answers: 5PI/8, 9PI/8, 13PI/8, 17PI/8 In the same assignement I found sin(PI/8) = .5*sqrt(2-sqrt(2)) and I found the cos(PI/8) value by using standard trig. identities. Is there an easy way to use this result to...
  6. S

    Integrability of f(x): Adams Textbook Questions

    Ok, so I have two questions regarding something I don't understand in my textbook (Adams) 1. 0 if 0<=x<1 or 1<x<=2 f(x) = 1 if x=1 (by "<=" i mean less than or equal) I'm supposed to show that it is Riemann integrable on that interval. They chose P to be: {0, 1-e/3...
  7. S

    Differentiating y*x^2: x^2/(1+x^2)

    Oh! sorry! I see it! bah hehe, the yx^2 messed up my head :P
  8. S

    Differentiating y*x^2: x^2/(1+x^2)

    Bah, sorry. I don't see what the integral of "dx^2y" evaluates to :(
  9. S

    Differentiating y*x^2: x^2/(1+x^2)

    Oh, thanks! Now I see it :)
  10. S

    Differentiating y*x^2: x^2/(1+x^2)

    Oh, but I didn't think I could do that when y*x^2 was encapsulated by parantheses. When I solve what you posted I get y=tan^-1(x) but the answer is supposed to be: (pi/4)(1/x^2)-(1/x)-tan^-1(x)/x^2 (the pi/4 comes from the start value...)
  11. S

    Differentiating y*x^2: x^2/(1+x^2)

    okey, I understand what you just wrote :P but I still don't know how to solve my problem...
  12. S

    Differentiating y*x^2: x^2/(1+x^2)

    Then I don't think we have learned about direct integration...
  13. S

    Differentiating y*x^2: x^2/(1+x^2)

    well, it's the d/dx(y*x^2) that confused me. we have only learned to solv the types: dy/dx=f(x)g(y) what is direct integration? Thanks