Recent content by SonnyBoy

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    Calculating Average Velocity from Acceleration?

    OK... so I think I have this so far... acceleration = (v2 - v1) / distance v3 = v2 + acceleration?
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    Calculating Average Velocity from Acceleration?

    Homework Statement This is a real world application I'm attempting to solve, but I'm unsure how to get started. I have three contiguous segments of equal length and I know the average velocity for the first two segments. Assuming constant (but unknown) acceleration, how can I calculate the...
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    Permanent Magnet AC Alternator - No Load

    OK... so my understanding is that a DC generator under no load generates high voltages without any current, but does the same hold true for an AC alternator? What happens with current when the RPMs of the alternator exceed what is necessary for the current requirements?
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    Calculate Pipe Sized Based on Pressure Differential and Flow Rate

    The question was academic, so I suspect that you are correct in your friction statement. For the purposes of this problem, an air pump was "sucking" the air through the pipe and the low pressure generated by the pump was 1.5" of Hg.
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    Calculate Pipe Sized Based on Pressure Differential and Flow Rate

    It's just Q = v * A? The pressure differential doesn't matter?
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    Calculate Pipe Sized Based on Pressure Differential and Flow Rate

    I'm afraid I don't have a formula for the flow rate, it's a given value for the equation along with the pressure differential and air velocity.
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    Calculate Pipe Sized Based on Pressure Differential and Flow Rate

    Hi, everyone. This is my first post so I figured I'd introduce myself very quickly before I get to the problem. My name is Matt and I'm a first year engineering student at Oregon State University. I've read quite a few topics here, but this is the first time I've really joined in on anything...