Recent content by sonhouse

  1. S

    Quantum Questions from a Sci Fi writer

    Try this one: The Trouble with Physics, Lee Smolin. What Lee smolin has to say about the 5th dimension theories and all like it is a trouble with the actual little loops postulated by these theories, the problem being they have to be fixed at a certain size and if they wander around size...
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    QM in Early Universe: Would Rules be Different?

    If the observer effect changes the results of measurements in QM, would the rules be different if there were no observers? Like on Earth a billion years ago, there was nothing like an active mind around, just microbes. You couldn't count them as effecting QM could you? Likewise, if you posit...
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    Cleaning a reflector mirror without scratching it

    Hi chroot, warren. Thanks for the advice. When you say give it a bath you mean just slosh the water around in the mirror kind of like the guy does when panning for gold? Can I run the faucet water over the mirror? Would that cause scratches? The mirror does have a coating, its VERY...
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    The Rotation of the Universe: A New Perspective on Cosmic Expansion

    Hi all, just a thought about the rotation idea: It occurred to me reading the statement that if the universe was rotating, we would see differential motions in certain directions which we don't therefore there is no rotation. The thing I was thinking is this: first, if the universe were...
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    Cleaning a reflector mirror without scratching it

    Hi all. I have a very heavy 9" reflector but it is has spherical curve. It was made for a semiconductor projection aligner which was being scrapped and I saved the mirror from going into the trash bin. I saw an article in one of the rags about making a frame on the back of the mirror where...