Recent content by sonastylol

  1. S

    Capacitance and Max Potential Difference

    Homework Statement (a) Determine the capacitance of a Teflon-filled parallel-plate capacitor having a plate area of 1.90 cm2 and insulation thickness of 0.0600 mm. (b) Determine the maximum potential difference that can be applied to the capacitor. kV Homework Equations I THOUGHT C =...
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    Magnitude of initial acceleration

    to be honest I am not sure what the answer to: If the electric force is the net force, what is the relation between these two equations? we only just barely learned those equations, and i haven't seen any type of sample problem close to this one... I don't know where to start, even with...
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    Magnitude of initial acceleration

    [SOLVED] Magnitude of initial acceleration Homework Statement A particle of mass 67 g and charge 25 microC is released from rest when it is 89 cm from a second particle of charge -10 microC. Determine the magnitude of the initial acceleration of the 67 g particle. Answer in units of (m/s)^2...
  4. S

    Magnitude of Single Displacement:

    hmmm... I think maybe my angles are wrong. I did Vector D x-components: 0 + (2.8cos(45)) + (9.9cos(191)) Vector D y-components: 7.4 + (2.8sin(45)) + (9.9sin(191)) The answer ended up being 10.769.Thank you :)
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    Magnitude of Single Displacement:

    i don't exactly understand what we are trying to do anymore then.. the answer isn't the addition of the 3 vectors magnitudes? Is the answer the magnitude of one "new vector?" -- Like if we make a Vector D and give it an x and y component, from the addition of the first 3 vectors?
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    Magnitude of Single Displacement:

    [SOLVED] Magnitude of Single Displacement: Please bear with me, I'm going to try and properly format this, so you forum-goers actually want to help me out. :cool: Homework Statement A novice golfer on the green takes three strokes to sink the ball. The successive displacements are 7.4 m...
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    Possible What is the angle between these two vectors?

    eh still confused even tho I shouldn't be... I am thinking now that since there is no ratio for vector A, and that it has only one component ( straight up on the y-axis ) that maybe Vector A's angle is really 360 deg? Which would make our answer angle 360 - 30.497 ... or something similar to...
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    Possible What is the angle between these two vectors?

    yea I started getting a headache. Ive been stumped on the arctan thing for a while, its been a while and honestly don't even remember what the purpose of inverse tan is... i understand that tan gives you opposite over adjacent, but I really am truly stumped on what I did wrong with this...
  9. S

    Possible What is the angle between these two vectors?

    but I already used one method to compute the angle, so let's build on that one please. According to my math, it would be -30.497deg - (+ 45.567deg) = -76.064 deg Why is this wrong? I asked if I forgot something with the quadrants or if there was some kind of sign changing error I'm unaware...
  10. S

    Possible What is the angle between these two vectors?

    [SOLVED] Angle between vectors: Homework Statement What is the angle between A and B ? Answer in units of degree. Homework Equations From the previous problem: A = 1.02 units long in positive y direction [0i + 1.02j] B = [-6.18i + 3.64j] The Attempt at a Solution I got the...
  11. S

    Negative rod to uncharged metal ball:

    The answer is it becomes polarized ; the ball has an effective separation of charge
  12. S

    Negative rod to uncharged metal ball:

    wait, unaffected is the wrong answer x_x now what am i missing? wow - yikes... is it not determinable?
  13. S

    Negative rod to uncharged metal ball:

    there is no change - no contact was ever made.
  14. S

    Negative rod to uncharged metal ball:

    oh my god. i read it as touched.IT NEVER TOUCHED X_X