Recent content by Solmyros

  1. S

    I Coupled mode theory - question about an equation

    edit: Hello everyone! When I posted the question, latex equations that were visible in "preview" do not seem here. So, I upload a pdf version of the question. We consider zero free charges and currents: ρ=J=0 $$ \mathbf{\nabla} \times \mathbf{E} = -\frac{\partial \mathbf{B}}{\partial t}...
  2. S

    A 1D Quantum Well - Different width "naming" gives different result ?

    Greetings everyone, Exactly as the title says. I am reaching to something strange and I do not know what I am missing. It must be something obvious... case 1: -L/2 to L/2 After taking the Schrodinger equation and considering potential equal to zero inside we reach at this...
  3. S

    DC Capacitor-Inductor: Understanding Energy Storage & Current

    Hey.i have a question. Lets say i am having a branch with a resistance and a capacitor.As we know the capacitor is an open circuit in "steady" state,right? The question is what will happen to the resistance.I mean because of the capacitor,i erase the branch and everything it has with him?
  4. S

    Engineering AC circuit-exercise with capacitors-inductors

    So i started studying about AC circuits and i tried solving an exercise.The problem is that not only i am stuck,but also i am not even sure that what i have done so far is right and follows the right logic.So some quidance on this would be appreciated. Here is the problem...
  5. S

    DC Capacitor-Inductor: Understanding Energy Storage & Current

    Ok everything is clear to me now.Expect me if i face a problem about capacitors-inductor for AC circuits.
  6. S

    DC Capacitor-Inductor: Understanding Energy Storage & Current

    Because the voltage across the inductor is 0,i suppose that the power is zero as well? To get the amount of energy stored in a capacitor-inductor,we get E=1/2CV^2-E=1/2LI^2 respectively.So i suppose that ohm's law cannot be applied here cause if it were,the energy stored would be 0.What is the...
  7. S

    DC Capacitor-Inductor: Understanding Energy Storage & Current

    So the power(if not called this way i mean work/time) of a capasitor in this steady state will be 0? Also how the polarity of a capasitor is determined?
  8. S

    DC Capacitor-Inductor: Understanding Energy Storage & Current

    Ok i started working with capasitors and inductors and i have a question. The capasitor is an open circuit to dc,right? Now the questions: a)If the current of capasitor is 0 how can it store energy?I know that we use this:1/2 C V^2 but it seems weird that with just stable voltage we store...
  9. S

    Engineering Electric circuits-2 sources (batteries)

    Ok i started working with capasitors and inductors and i have a question. The capasitor is an open circuit to dc,right? Now the questions: a)If the current of capasitor is 0 how can it store energy?I know that we use this:1/2 C V^2 but it seems weird that with just stable voltage we store...
  10. S

    Engineering Electric circuits-2 sources (batteries)

    ah yes ok now it is clear to me.thnx for your explanation
  11. S

    Engineering Electric circuits-2 sources (batteries)

    I am not sure if i understand 100% the first thing you mentioned. So if i understand correctly one loop current will create a potential drop,whereas the other one will create a potential rise. But where i will need this information in the circuit? I mean just now i was told to be careful about...
  12. S

    Engineering Electric circuits-2 sources (batteries)

    Exercise number 2 I found some things about the nodal analysis and the supermesh you mentioned earlier.Here is an exercise and my solution.I don't care about the results,just the logic and the equations matter to me.Take a look.. Also in the circuit you will see, i want to ask...
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    Engineering Electric circuits-2 sources (batteries)

    Lol yes what a silly mistake i did.But i don't mind because you said the logic is good.We made it sir! Now i can move to another kind of circuit.I guess you should expect me tomorrow for more pleasure.good night.
  14. S

    Engineering Electric circuits-2 sources (batteries)

    ok here it is once again.ehh i don't care about the exact results.i care about the equations and the logic. also one question: Lets say i have an independent current source in a loop.If i apply kirchhoff's loop law and take the equations about the loop,does the independent current source...
  15. S

    Engineering Electric circuits-2 sources (batteries)

    Well unfortunately i got off schedule today and didnt have time to post the answer earlier as i planned.Now before i post the answer i have to ask something to see if i did a the circuit you posted above,does I1 equals to I3+I4? and last but not least if i found a negative...