Recent content by Sollicitans

  1. Sollicitans

    Calculating events from phrasal expressions

    I kind of am uncomfortable, because I needed to understand this in A, B and C terms. Which is weird if you try to express it like this from scratch, but once you realize it's S you can easily jump to the expression. Thanks a lot for your help and time!
  2. Sollicitans

    Calculating events from phrasal expressions

    You mean because they're each other's complement? I can't see any other resemblence. Looks like not. "Three events at most" translates to "Three events or less". Since there are three events in the given sample space, more than three events can't happen even if we take the whole sample space...
  3. Sollicitans

    Calculating events from phrasal expressions

    Hmmm, so g would look like h, only without the striped parts, right? And my "boolean" expression should be correct if we replace AND with ∩, OR with ∪ and NOT with '. About j, now. We usually refer to the universal set as S. Is this the answer? Because "3 events at most" means 3 or less and...
  4. Sollicitans

    Calculating events from phrasal expressions

    Homework Statement This excresice is supposed to help you understand the basic operations of sets, later used in probability. I am given the following phrases and have to write them in using mathematics. Given three events A, B and C, which belong to sample space S, calculate the following...
  5. Sollicitans

    Finding Miller indexes of a vector vertical to known layer

    Homework Statement Find Miller indexes of the vector that is vertical to the layer (211). Homework Equations Unknown. The Attempt at a Solution I'm not quite sure how to do this. The only thing I came up until now is to invert the numbers (so that I get 1/2, 1 and 1) and then find the vector...
  6. Sollicitans

    Do resistor polarity assignments affect current flow in Kirchoff's second law?

    Turns out the kind of instructions I needed were the cookbook ones! Also, turns out I was rushing a bit. Today we started working on simple circuits, explaining everything from scratch. I probably panicked thinking that there is stuff I should know and I just don't. Thank you, Jim and everyone...
  7. Sollicitans

    Do resistor polarity assignments affect current flow in Kirchoff's second law?

    I noticed that you probably think I know what equations to use or how to apply the law. Truth is, I don't even know where you start from - not only is this case. Anyway, I didn't have enough time this weekend to follow all of your instructions, but I read them all. Also, English is not my main...
  8. Sollicitans

    Do resistor polarity assignments affect current flow in Kirchoff's second law?

    Let's see. I assume that current direction is from + to - for both sources. And that's how I'd mark the polarities base on the current direction from each source. But it's not correct. I also have no idea where and how the two currents "interfere".
  9. Sollicitans

    Do resistor polarity assignments affect current flow in Kirchoff's second law?

    Thanks for the sources. I now know how you determine resistor's polarity. But I still struggle to comprehend the way polarity was determined on resistors R3 and R4 on my circuit. Why is the arrow on top right loop this way? I thought it shows the current flow. Can you or anyone point out the...
  10. Sollicitans

    Do resistor polarity assignments affect current flow in Kirchoff's second law?

    No, it's not homework. It's just a figure, supposed to explain how Kirchoff's second law applies to a circuit. I just can't understand it.
  11. Sollicitans

    Do resistor polarity assignments affect current flow in Kirchoff's second law?

    I guess there's a simple rule, but I can't find it anywhere and it seems I was supposed to know this. I'll appreciate it if someone explains me how it works and also if (and how) is related to the way you consider positive and negative voltages when you apply Kirchoff's second law as shown in...
  12. Sollicitans

    Linear Independence of trigonometric functions

    I'm confused, because you both suggested ways to solve it different than those we used in class. Anyway, I'm going to read the topic again and try to understand all of your information.
  13. Sollicitans

    Linear Independence of trigonometric functions

    Although I know this theorem (that's what we were taught it is), I still "don't know" that the remaining functions are linearly dependent. In this case, the answer should be one dimension. What made me doubt you, was that Krylov mentioned I can prove that all the factors are equal to zero using...
  14. Sollicitans

    Linear Independence of trigonometric functions

    Yes, this is the correct form. I'll review the rest of your message later today. Is it? If it is I have no idea how to find the dimension (I see you talk about it, but I can't comprehend it right now).
  15. Sollicitans

    Linear Independence of trigonometric functions

    Okay, first of all, I made a mistake when I first copied the problem. The first function is sinxcosx, not sin2xcos2x. Now, let me take it step by step, because I've gone further than the condition you suggest I should prove, and that's probably a mistake. I also left out sinxcosx(=sin2x/2), as...