Recent content by solar energy

  1. solar energy

    I Optical proprieties of sulfur dioxide in the gaseous state

    I apologize if I forget to give some details or information(you can ask me more in detail and I will have no problem answering), but for what concerns water absorption the problem is that I should give a physical model that could stand for a certain period of time: using vaporized water in the...
  2. solar energy

    I Optical proprieties of sulfur dioxide in the gaseous state

    I have read in an article that the actual geoengineering strategies foresee to use SO2 because of his experimental absorption that apparently is between 170 and 310nm. Then if is there another molecule that has a quite strong absorption on short-wave light(and possibly easier to manipulate) I...
  3. solar energy

    I Optical proprieties of sulfur dioxide in the gaseous state

    I would like to measure the absorbance of sulfur dioxide and by this way give a general idea of his absorption capacities for what concerns short wave light
  4. solar energy

    I Optical proprieties of sulfur dioxide in the gaseous state

    Hi, I am a first-year university student in engineering and for this year I have to do a presentation( with related experience ) about the physical implication of geoengineering methods. The theoretical aspect seems quite understandable, my principal problem is to find a clear experience with...