Recent content by Sokolov

  1. Sokolov

    Mathematica Errors when solving an equation

    Okay, how basic was it... Thank you!
  2. Sokolov

    Mathematica Errors when solving an equation

    I'm new with Mathematica and I'm not sure why when I enter this equation an error happens. Could anyone please help me with it?
  3. Sokolov

    Irradiance of light trapped between two parallel mirrors

    Ok thanks. But I don't see what you said about the two reflections... Could you explain it further?
  4. Sokolov

    Irradiance of light trapped between two parallel mirrors

    Ok, let's denote ##E_n(x)## the amplitude of the ray emerging from the point ##n##. Then, ##E_n(x)=E_0r^ne^{i(\omega t +\Lambda _n (x))}##. For the first points, the phases ##\Lambda_n(x)## will be: ##\Lambda_0(x)=-kx+\delta_0## ##\Lambda_1(x)=\Lambda_0(L)-k(L-x)+\pi=-kL+\pi+\delta_0##...
  5. Sokolov

    Irradiance of light trapped between two parallel mirrors

    I didn't write, but the problem's statement says that it is not necessary to consider rays that enter the cavity after being transmitted and reflected, this may simplify the integral. However, how could I adjust the phase in terms of ##x## for each reflected ray?
  6. Sokolov

    Irradiance of light trapped between two parallel mirrors

    I have uploaded again the image. The problem asks about the irradiance ##I(x)##, and it is expected to have maximums and minimums depending on ##x##, so I think it is relevant...
  7. Sokolov

    Irradiance of light trapped between two parallel mirrors

    The setup of the problem is shown in the image below. I know that I must add all the contributions of each reflected ray and that its amplitude will be reduced by a factor ##r## each time it is reflected. So after the n-th reflection, its amplitude will be ##E_0r^n##, with ##E_0## the amplitude...
  8. Sokolov

    Intro Physics Textbooks on Optics: Alternatives to Hetch-Zajac's "Optics"

    I'm looking for an alternative textbook to the Hetch-Zajac's one. I am a physics undergraduate student, and this is the recommended book for the subject, so I would like to find a book that covers more or less the same topics. There are two main problems I find at Hetch: Firstly, its extreme...
  9. Sokolov

    Maximum voltage that can be applied to DC circuit with resistors

    I think that the result must be given in terms of ##P_{max}##. The exercise ask also to apply the result for the particular case that ##R1=2.8 kΩ, R2=3.7 kΩ, R3=1.8 kΩ## and ##P_{max}=0.5W##
  10. Sokolov

    Maximum voltage that can be applied to DC circuit with resistors

    I see that ##V_{ac}=V_{ab}+V_{bc}##, with ##V_{ab}=I_1R_1=I_2R_2## and ##V_{bc}=I_3R_3##. However, I don't see how to express mathematically the maximum value of ##V_{ac}##. Could someone please help me with this task?
  11. Sokolov

    Integration of inexact differentials in Thermodynamics

    In Thermodynamics, I have seen that some equations are expressed in terms of inexact differentials, ##\delta##, instead of ##d##. I understand that this concept is introduced to point out that these differential forms are path-dependent, although I am not clear how they can be handled. So, are...
  12. Sokolov

    3 concentric conducting spheres, the outer one connected to ground

    Thanks rude man! With your hints and BvU's answer I think that I have been able to solve the problem correctly :) .
  13. Sokolov

    3 concentric conducting spheres, the outer one connected to ground

    Hi BvU, thanks for the answer! It was just what I needed to know in order to be able to solve the problem.
  14. Sokolov

    3 concentric conducting spheres, the outer one connected to ground

    What would the fact that the fifth surface is connected to the ground imply: that V(r=R_5)=0 or that \sigma _5=0?