Recent content by Sociopath^e

  1. S

    Exploring the Applications and Challenges of Terahertz Waves

    don't forget Ultraviolet waves the spectrum goes in this order from longest to shortest Radio Waves Microwaves Infrared Visible Light Ultraviolet X-Rays Gamma Rays
  2. S

    How is Capacitance, Resistance and Time to fully charge related?

    How is... Capacitance, Resistance and Time to fully charge related?
  3. S

    Teacher told me that electricity could be defined as a flow of electrons

    the cell or battery contains electromotive force, or Voltage, this forces the electrons through substances, with resistance against it, thus making current (i *hope* I'm right here) when it goes through a lightbulb, the electrons heat up the filament, which is supsended in an inert gas, and...
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    Exploring the Mysteries of Electron-Proton Attraction

    heres a question for you, why doesn't the Earth and all the planets fall into the sun instead of orbitting? what about the moon? and electrons are accelerating iirc, they're the exception in motion i think, probably due to they're sub-atomic nature atleast, that's what i think, someone could...
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    How are Resistance, Capacitance and Time related?

    well it doesn't matter, i found out in the end, i meant time *constant* so its τ = RC
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    How are Resistance, Capacitance and Time related?

    without revealing any sort of base info such as current, voltage or charge
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    Effects of a Vacuum: What Happens if Exposed?

    ah, well i was wondering if 2001 did it right, or Red Dwarf... (although it is silly trying to compare physics out of fiction)
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    Effects of a Vacuum: What Happens if Exposed?

    hmm, so a kinda Anti-Bends but nothing explosive then from the lack of pressure?
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    Effects of a Vacuum: What Happens if Exposed?

    What happens if a human was to be a immediately exposed to a vacuum, such as that in space? from what i understand they explode, due to the internal pressure having nothing to balance its force... but i may be wrong who here knows the answer?