Recent content by soccerjayl

  1. S

    AP Physics: Circuits Mindteaser

    Which of the three circuits below contains resistors that are neither in series nor parallel and why? Currently in AP Physics, so I know have a lead on the question. The first one would be my first guess, because I'm not sure how...
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    Electricity and Magnetism

    ok i think i know what you mean...but check me the top right force for instance (-Q) would be made the top vertice of a triangle. You would do cospi/4 (45 deg) x the hypotenuse force to get the x-axis force??
  3. S

    Electricity and Magnetism

    i know this is aggravating for you, but how would u add up 4 vectors? Do you mean make 4 triangles with the square and make the forces on one axis and add/subtract? (and are the -Q's going toward P with the +Q's going away from P?)
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    Electricity and Magnetism

    so let me get this straight...sorry if this isn't a hard question to you, but we are just learning this.. for (1) in the situation where positives are at opposite vertices as well as negatives are at opposite vertices...the equation would be 4(9*10^9)(Q/(root2)s/2)? (with side s and charge...
  5. S

    Can the man choose the right door without getting killed?

    no that does not work the liar would answer door 2, because he's lying
  6. S

    Friction between table and pool ball

    I find the acceleration to be 0.04272 m/s^2 Therefore, can you not find the force of friction through F=ma? F(subF)=(.17kg)(0.04272 m/s^2) mew=F(subF)/F(subN) mew=0.007262/0.1666 mew=0.0436 check my work, i may be wrong
  7. S

    Solving for Equal Image and Object Height on the Principle Axis | Optics Problem

    find the answer here:
  8. S

    What are the typical values of current through

    if you have these things, they are usually located on the back or bottom or perhaps the manual guide
  9. S

    Electricity and Magnetism

    I have a huge problem to work out.. but first, i can't find the equations for (1) electrostatic potential of the center of a square (a charged particle at each vertice) and (2) the magnitude of electric field at the center of the same square. These are both questions to two...
  10. S

    Analyzing an Electric Circuit Problem with Resistors and Capacitors

    nvm...i guessed and got it right thanks guys
  11. S

    Static friction force? mew? do what now?

    To clear understanding...mew indeed is the coefficient of friction it is defined as the Frictional Force (F of F) over (/) the Normal Force (F of N) Mew helps to understand the tendency of an object to slide.. For instance, an object with .5 mew takes much more force to slide it...
  12. S

    Analyzing an Electric Circuit Problem with Resistors and Capacitors

    anyone? i need an answer by friday please i know this can't be that advanced...this is just basic physics
  13. S

    Can the man choose the right door without getting killed?

    ok sorry for the confusion there are two doors, both lead into different rooms your objective is to get into the right room through one of the doors however, u have don't know which door is the right one there are guards guarding both doors. One guard always tells the truth, one...
  14. S

    Analyzing an Electric Circuit Problem with Resistors and Capacitors

    ok.. when u multiply F and C, do u just get Coulombs? no prefixes? second of all, finding the potential difference between the two plates of a capicitor would be the same as charge, as CV is the potential difference...what is the unit here? Next, in Dielectrics, the electric fields are...
  15. S

    Analyzing an Electric Circuit Problem with Resistors and Capacitors

    ok i see..thank u very much that jumpstart really helped me understand.. so for part b u said earlier that V - Q/C = 0, so V must equal Q/C in other words, i can find the charge by VC, or (30V)(1 x 10^-9 F) is this a valid approach?