Recent content by snuz2001

  1. S

    I Questions about a Laser Interferometer pattern

    Is it possible to get an interference pattern if the original laser beam is not splitted before reunited? Can I use 2 mirrors which will be separated 2 cm from each other and they reflect the light from the incident ray 500 meter far which is then reunited to get an interference pattern on a...
  2. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    So what is the answer? Can Bob’s late measurement affected Alice’s earlier?
  3. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    DrChinese thanks for your reply. But still, elusive as it is, do you see any way Alice’s early measurement’s result could be affected by Bob’s late measurement after it was recorded and transmitted?
  4. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    N88, what are your answers to those questions?
  5. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    PeroK thanks, I would still like your reply to the questions I asked: 1. Was Alice’s measurement affected by Bob’s measurement an hour later? 2. Was Bob’s Measurement affected by Alice’s measurement an hour earlier?
  6. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    PeterDonis, do you agree with me that it does not matter how fast the ship travels and how far it is, if it measured an hour earlier than Earth it’s measurement would not be affected by the measurement on earth?
  7. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    I believe that Bob’s measurement’s result was affected by Alice’s - otherwise how could he predict his measurement result in advance? Why wouldn’t it be random and can have 2 outcomes like Alice? Never mind. So we both agree that Alice’s result are not affected by Bob’s measurement an hour later?
  8. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    Classical entanglement is fundamentally different from quantum, no? I still have not received an answer.. 1. Was Alice’s measurement affected by Bob’s measurement an hour later? 2. Was Bob’s Measurement affected by Alice’s measurement an hour earlier?
  9. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    1. No. 2. No. 3. No. Questions: How is this applied to our discussion? Could Alice in your example get a different shoe or only left (the shoe that was sent to her). Could Bob? Since as you mentioned earlier, in the quantum case the particles have no defined state until they’ve been...
  10. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    I am not looking for anything, just ask simple questions: 1. Was Alice’s measurement affected by Bob’s measurement an hour later? 2. Was Bob’s Measurement affected by Alice’s measurement an hour earlier?
  11. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    Not sure what is it that you saying. Was Alice’s measurement affected by Bob’s measurement if she measured an hour earlier? Her measurement was recorded and transmitted, so how could Bob’s measurement affect her’s? And do you say that Bob’s measurement was not affected by Alice’s?
  12. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    I would like to quote the last response since I believe it goes down to the bottom of my argument. 1. Alice measures before Bob. 2. Bob measures before Alice. 3. We cannot determine who measures first because it varies by reference frame. The predictions of QM are the same for all 3 scenarios...
  13. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    Thanks all for your replies. I'll try to address all the comments. 1. "Is that a question or a statement?" both, can you find anything wrong in what I'm saying, I'll really want to know. 2. "I haven't read further, but if you are saying here that both particles will have a 1 measurement...
  14. S

    I Is Time Travel Possible with Entangled Particles?

    1. An elementary particle like a photon or electron can be measured in 2 possible states - spin up or down in electron, vertical or horizontal in photons. We'll call those states state 1 or 2, and the measuring device state A or B. If for example, we measure a photon with a polarizer in State...
  15. S

    Why Do People Age Slower When Traveling Near the Speed of Light?

    Thanks for the answer, but I do not believe you answered what I asked. The question was: "what will the pictures from both cameras, the one in the car, and the one on the road will show?" An answer could be: At clock 1, the picture from the camera above the clock will show 090001 at the...