Recent content by skywise

  1. S

    USA's 1984 Nightmare: Impact on Economy & Rich-Poor Gap

    Make no mistake, Israel definately engages in it's own forms of terrorism.,2763,1320735,00.html
  2. S

    How many forum members does it take to change a light bulb?

    wwow is right. I'm happy to see this was so thoroughly enjoyed. :approve:
  3. S

    How many forum members does it take to change a light bulb?

    Q: How many forum members does it takes to change a light bulb? A: * 1 to change the light bulb and to post that the light bulb has been changed * 14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light bulb could have been changed differently * 7 to caution about...
  4. S

    Do I have to be a paying member to have an avatar?

    That's what I thought. I was :confused: because I see people who don't have the "PF contributer" star beneath their name and yet they have an avatar. Do they just choose to omit the label beneath their name?
  5. S

    Do I have to be a paying member to have an avatar?

    Do I have to be a paying member to have an avatar? If not, I'm confused as to how to enable one from my user cp.
  6. S

    Humanure and the Human Nutrient Cycle

    Joeseph Jenkins has been composting his family's humanure for 20 years and using the humus produced by the process to fertillize his vegetable garden. The composting process is thermophillic, as SamLuc said, with temperatures as high as 150 deg F. After the compost pile is done being added to...
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    Humanure and the Human Nutrient Cycle

    hey thanks Vance! It's not my words, I hope I made that clear enough. That piece was written by Joseph Jenkins. I feel it's really important that people start rethinking how we deal with our shi*t. In a world were water is increasingly becoming a major issue, pooing in perfectly good...
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    Humanure and the Human Nutrient Cycle

    hey... why can't I post images? the [PLAIN] tags don't work.. :confused: Those links interspersed through the text are illustrations and charts that go with the text...
  9. S

    Humanure and the Human Nutrient Cycle

    For the living, three things are inevitable: death, taxes, and sh1t." Dan Sabbath and Mandel Hall in End Product When crops are produced from soil, it is imperative that the organic residues resulting from those crops, including...
  10. S

    Improve Reading Comprehension: Learn Basic Communication Skills

    yeah no kidding.. i think i got sprayed.. :eek:
  11. S

    What motivates people to have children?

    well.. I try not to but I feel like such a big meanie if I make him go to bed hungry. He's soooo's like pulling teeth.
  12. S

    What motivates people to have children?

    you can chalk me up as one under the 'whoops' category. :-p but I must say there is something really satisfying about helping shape a new life. Like today, I was watching my two year old drawing pictures and he was holding the pencil just like I'd taught him. I got a warm fuzzy feeling...
  13. S

    What is the cause of the mysterious blue band surrounding Jupiter?

    whew! okay I'll stop worrying now. :-p ummm.. I saw 2001 many a year ago.. but alas I was too young and it went *whoosh*, straight over my head. Perhaps I'll give it another try.
  14. S

    What is the cause of the mysterious blue band surrounding Jupiter?

    whoa whoa whoa.. okay, first off.. I'm waay out of my league around here but I still enjoy perusing these forums and trying to learn a thing or two. I came across this and can't help but ask for abit of elaboration. Could this theoretically be possible? If so, wouldn't that be abit...