Recent content by skujesco2014

  1. skujesco2014

    Can Humor Help in Teaching Physics?

    When they know you´re the one grading their exams, they kinda do. :) I do know, however, what you're talking about. Although they're not disrespectful at all, they certainly don't take me as in such a high ground as the professor. That's OK. I'm just using my time with them as a practice when I...
  2. skujesco2014

    Can Humor Help in Teaching Physics?

    Thank you for your advice, guys. I must say that I am not the main lecturer for this class I was talking about, I'm just their TA; but I want to become a lecturer after I graduate, so I feel it's important I find ways to keep my audience interested. I do present them with puzzles and questions...
  3. skujesco2014

    Help With Time-Travel Short Story

    Answer 1. I want to involve time-travel. The cloning makes sense, but it wouldn't have no time travel in it :( Answer 2. Yes, the person remembers the process. Answer 3. No paradox at all, if they put the person back. Or not?
  4. skujesco2014

    Can Humor Help in Teaching Physics?

    Hi, all. I want to become a Physics professor in the US. For a few years now I've been a TA in an american university and I've had to teach a few lectures to a large audience in a big lecture hall. However, american students learn differently. For moments, I feel like a performer in this...
  5. skujesco2014

    Relationship between Ultracold neutrons and neutron stars

    Really? I think I was looking for the wrong author. Thanks, I'll look him up.
  6. skujesco2014

    Are neutrons in a neutron star relativistic?

    Thanks for your replies, Simon & Ken. It looks like your estimate for v < 0.5c seems convincing enough. In any case, allow me to be more specific. I want to consider the problem of a neutron trapped in the core of a NS. I want to consider an extremely oversimplified treatment: my neutron is...
  7. skujesco2014

    Are neutrons in a neutron star relativistic?

    Yes, I'm asking if the thermal energy is enough to consider relativistic corrections (i.e., v ~ c)
  8. skujesco2014

    Are neutrons in a neutron star relativistic?

    As the title of the thread suggests, I'm interested in estimating the velocity distribution of neutrons in neutron star cores. Putting T ~ 10^12K gives v ~ 15%c or more under Boltzmann statistics. Could someone provide more information or a second opinion on this estimate? Thanks.
  9. skujesco2014

    Relationship between Ultracold neutrons and neutron stars

    Thank you. I bumped into Baebev's work, but it's all in Russian :confused:
  10. skujesco2014

    Relationship between Ultracold neutrons and neutron stars

    Hi, PF: I'm currently about to graduate from my Ph. D. program in Physics and I want to focus my research in theoretical physics. I feel very excited by topics such as Astrophysics and GR, but also low temperature physics, such as superconductivity, bose-einstein condensation, superfluidity...
  11. skujesco2014

    Soon-to-be Physics Ph.D. In Need Of Advice

    My current status is F-1 [student non-immigrant]. I plan to apply for an employment authorization [OPT]. The visa issue is yet another downsize. I don't know how big of a disadvantage I'm in for not holding a green card. Online job postings, mainly from 'physics today' website...
  12. skujesco2014

    Soon-to-be Physics Ph.D. In Need Of Advice

    Dear PF: I've spent a decade-plus in school by now. I earned my BS in a country different than the US in 2002. My degree allowed me to work as a Math & Physics teacher in high schools in my country, but not in colleges or universities. From the beginning, I knew I didn't want to be a high...
  13. skujesco2014

    Help With Time-Travel Short Story

    Thank you. I like intriguing stories, the kind of ones where things start making sense as you keep reading. Your comment seems to suggest the story is fulfilling this purpose. :approve: No, not at all. I haven't consider any of the comments as attacks and you have my sincere gratitude for...
  14. skujesco2014

    Help With Time-Travel Short Story

    That sounds very nice, but I already worked out the 'rules' for the time-machine and the "Relocation" process, I just don't want to reveal too many details. As I and other commentators have pointed out, there is a heavy moral dilemma, but I want this moral dilemma to play in the background of...
  15. skujesco2014

    Scattering Within Rectangular Waveguide With A Step Obstacle

    I see what you mean now. So, because we have to have an integer number of half-waves in the right-half of the waveguide, only those will that have a node along BH_0 will make it through. That would imply then that the wavefunction is forced to have a node along the BH_0 line, would you agree?