Recent content by six789

  1. S

    Comparing industrailized countries vs. less-developed

    should i use the residual plot in comparing the industrailized countries vs. less-developed country? i mean, is it relevant if i use that? coz here is my thesis...What are the effects of population, GDP, GDP per capita and unemployment rate in the economy of industrialized country and...
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    Solve the Binomial Theorem: Find a, b, n

    do u know wat is prime factorization?
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    Solve the Binomial Theorem: Find a, b, n

    thanks vietdao again for helping me out...
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    Solve the Binomial Theorem: Find a, b, n

    anyone guys, is the third equation b^2 2n a^n-2 = 81,648?
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    Solve the Binomial Theorem: Find a, b, n

    is the thrid equation this... b^2 n a^n-2 = 81,648 anyways, why do u need to find the third equation, since you have the two?
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    Solve the Binomial Theorem: Find a, b, n

    guys, is it like this...? for t2 = nC1 (ax)^n-1 (by)^1 = 34992x^n-1y bna^n-1 = 34992 a^n = 6561 a^n = 3^8 therefore the answer for n = 8 and for a = 3, so you just have to find the b. but the second equation is bna^n-1 = 34992, so ill just substitute the values that i found... it is like...
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    Solve the Binomial Theorem: Find a, b, n

    guys, is it like this...? for t2 = nC1 (ax)^n-1 (by)^1 = 34992x^n-1y bna^n-1 = 34992 a^n = 6561 a^n = 3^8 therefore the answer for n = 8 and for a = 3, so you just have to find the b. but the second equation is bna^n-1 = 34992, so ill just substitute the values that i found... it is like...
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    Solve the Binomial Theorem: Find a, b, n

    anyone could help me with this question... in the expansion of (ax + by)^n, the coeffiients of the first 3 are 6561, 34992, and 81648., Find the value if a, b, and n. i did this... t1 = nC0 (ax)^n = 6561x^n a^n = 6561 t2 = nC1 (ax)^n-1 (by)^1 = 34992x^n-1y bna^n = 34992 but I'm not...
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    Probability of 2+ Birthdays Matching in a Class of 25

    this is the problem... there are 25 students in a Data Management Class. Determine the probability that at keast two of them share the same birthday. (Assume that every year has 365 days) --> i have no clue what technique what to do here... coz this is a thinking question so its kinda hard for...
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    Calculating Winning Probability in Horse Racing and Sock Selection

    this is the problem... 1. nine horses are entered in a horse race. If you "box" three horses (three are chosen and they can finish in any of the first 3 positions in the race), determine the probability that you will hold the winning ticket. -->i tried this one... (3C1*3C2*3C3)/9C3 but my...
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    What is the probability of being dealt four aces in a five-card poker hand?

    tide, ur so good! with ur explanation, i really understand it well...thanks man!
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    What is the probability of being dealt four aces in a five-card poker hand?

    anyways, i found the solution for #2 but still i don't get the question in #1
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    How Does the Theory of Relativity Explain Time Differences Between Cities?

    and the most accurate way of timing the two events let's say a person observing and the person in the event (like in the rocket) is the cesium clock.
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    What is the probability of being dealt four aces in a five-card poker hand?

    tide, i still cannot get the right answer. like i solve many times, but i really can't find the correct answer... i tried this one... 5C4*51*1/52C4, but its is wrong since the right answer in my book is 1/20825