Recent content by Sisoeff

  1. Sisoeff

    B Relativity of Simultaneity - Missing Event

    There is no rotation here. For your reference, here is how the rods look from closer view:
  2. Sisoeff

    B Relativity of Simultaneity - Missing Event

    No, I'm not. I repeat my answer from the locked topic: note that while the end of the back door rod departs later from the point of the touch, the left rode will arrive later too, thus missing the touch, for the single fact, that the front door need to give time for the ladder to pass through...
  3. Sisoeff

    B Relativity of Simultaneity - Missing Event

    Obviously I have to learn how to start a topic, but I believed that in a scientific forum, what matters is the idea, not the presentation. I'll try harder this time. Since every scientist knows very well the ladder paradox, I believe I won't be wrong, by missing something in the set. --- A...
  4. Sisoeff

    B How Does Relativity Deal with Simultaneity as a Requirement?

    Sure, it doesn't. But time of propagation depends on the distance.
  5. Sisoeff

    B How Does Relativity Deal with Simultaneity as a Requirement?

    I'd like to take it on faith and believe, but I'm following the science claims. Here is what science says about the process of ladder passing through (right side of the image): The first event is the front of the ladder approaching the exit door of the garage. The door closes, and then opens...
  6. Sisoeff

    B How Does Relativity Deal with Simultaneity as a Requirement?

    For great lengths that propagation will work to the extent that you claim, but I doubt it will work for the garage rods with the most rigid material available. Furthermore, note that while the end of the back door rod departs later from the point of the touch, the left rode will arrive later...
  7. Sisoeff

    B How Does Relativity Deal with Simultaneity as a Requirement?

    Ha-ha :biggrin: I cannot get off Earth. OK, let say that simultaneity is responsible for another process, say it keeps on a light bacon on the front deck of A Simultaneity can't be detected but can be verified, which is quite the same. Semantics - the way we use the words. OK I'll have to bring...
  8. Sisoeff

    B How Does Relativity Deal with Simultaneity as a Requirement?

    OK, guys and galls, I'm back I admit that the ladder paradox topic that I started was put quite stupidly, and I wouldn't have the chance to make my point, even if Peter didn't lock it. But... we had quite a long conversation in private with him, I learned quite few things, and I believe I made...
  9. Sisoeff

    B Relativity of simultaneity and the balance of the systems

    Did you comment on it? I missed it. My apologies, I'll find it now.
  10. Sisoeff

    B Relativity of simultaneity and the balance of the systems

    :biggrin: I understand very well what a reference frame is, and I should probably put quotes around that words, because all this conversation comes from my understanding that Special Relativity treats the reference frames as boxes, where in one box can "lie" simultaneity and in the other it will...
  11. Sisoeff

    B Relativity of simultaneity and the balance of the systems

    Hi Russ, Thank you for taking from your time to answer my comments. Everything of what happens in the Universe has its cause in our frame of reference. We may not see the cause, but it is there, because there is no effect without cause. I hope that you'll agree with this base law of Physics...
  12. Sisoeff

    B Relativity of simultaneity and the balance of the systems

    Thank you, Russ. You are right that an observer in B can calculate and find out that there are two simultaneous events which release energy, or put the lights on. (Let's use "lights on" instead of energy, please. Peter made me feel uncomfortable with "release of energy" output) Must I understand...
  13. Sisoeff

    B Relativity of simultaneity and the balance of the systems

    Well, it is logic, and science requires logic. You didn't tell me whether you understand the idea. Saying that "If the lights are on they are on." does not gives me any understanding. What do you mean by that? What is missing in the scenario. The fact that the observer does not know why the...
  14. Sisoeff

    B Relativity of simultaneity and the balance of the systems

    @Ibix sorry I didn't answer your comments until now, but I have the feeling that you don't want to look at the idea, and instead you are enlightening the unimportant details. Any way, let's give you the idea. There is output from every event. Should I say, every event as cause, produces an...