Recent content by Sir Bro

  1. Sir Bro

    Calculating half life from experimental data

    Ah right. I still did it right though didn't I?
  2. Sir Bro

    Calculating half life from experimental data

    N=No e^-λt N/2=No e^-λt 208.5= 417* e^-0.0357t 0.5= e^-0.0357t ln(0.5)= -0.0357t t= 19.416! YES! Thank you very much haruspex and ehild :) I thought when taking the natural log you had to do it to both sides.
  3. Sir Bro

    Calculating half life from experimental data

    N=No e^-λt N/2=No e^-λt 208.5= 417* e^-0.0357t 0.5= e^-0.0357t 0.5= ln(-0.0357t) 0.5= t * -ln(0.0357) 0.15=t?
  4. Sir Bro

    How can I calculate sieverts from the activity of depleted uranium?

    Thanks for the reply. I've learned something from this at least but I think I'll leave it out of my report; I believe this is above my knowledge and I don't want to dive into something and waste even more time than I already have on this assignment lol. Thanks again mate :)
  5. Sir Bro

    Calculating half life from experimental data

    Oh yeah whoops, just a typo. How do I get the natural log of a negative number? My calculator returns "nonreal answer"
  6. Sir Bro

    How can I calculate sieverts from the activity of depleted uranium?

    Aha. Would you believe me if I said I already had. Contacted the World Nuclear association regarding a different question about a week ago but didn't speak to anyone "genius". The guy was more than helpful but his qualification was purely a bachelors of science so not much help there for...
  7. Sir Bro

    Calculating half life from experimental data

    Here's what I have now: N=No e^-λt N/2=No e^-λt 208.5= 417* e^0.0357t 0.5= e^0.0357t ln(0.5)= ln(0.0357t) ln(0.5)= t * ln(0.0357) t= 0.208? :/
  8. Sir Bro

    Calculating half life from experimental data

    So full working would be: Just wait; No/2 = No e-λt 2/2= 2 * e-λt 2 = 4 * e-λt (did u just miss the negative lambda exponent or am i missing something?)"ln2=λt" shouldn't it be this? ln(2) = ln(-λt)What is the equation I need to start with? Maybe from there I could get a better idea of...
  9. Sir Bro

    Calculating half life from experimental data

    Understood. That gives a correct answer which is good but... Not only do I want to understand what is going on here for my own benefit but I need to be able to understand what is happening here so I can reproduce it in the form of working. Sorry for my ignorance regarding logarithms; we...
  10. Sir Bro

    Calculating half life from experimental data

    Can you explain that in a bit more detail please? I don't really understand why I'm supposed to use the reciprocal of the gradient. t = [1/ -0.0357] * ln(2) ? That also gives a wrong answer I don't understand :/
  11. Sir Bro

    Calculating half life from experimental data

    So use -0.0375 as the decay constant in becquerels (represented by lambda). This ends up giving a result of 8.21 minutes. That's a very long way off the actual half life?
  12. Sir Bro

    How can I calculate sieverts from the activity of depleted uranium?

    So I had a look into this and found this equation: Where is the mass-averaged absorbed dose of the entire item T is the item of interest is the absorbed dose as a function of location is the density as a function of location is volume Is it even possible for me to calculate the absorbed...
  13. Sir Bro

    Calculating half life from experimental data

    Homework Statement Decay of Carbon-11 from given data of count rate at time 0 to count rate at time 14 minutes in 2 minute intervals. Homework Equations I feel like I've gone wrong here because the answer I get of 19.6 minutes is actually negative if I go back and do the last equation again. I...
  14. Sir Bro

    How can I calculate sieverts from the activity of depleted uranium?

    I'm writing a report on the feasibility of nuclear energy and one of the things I wanted to address is the issue of radiation exposure risk from waste when stored correctly and incorrectly; in water pools compared to say just left above ground. Thanks for the reply. I'll look into gray's in a...
  15. Sir Bro

    How can I calculate sieverts from the activity of depleted uranium?

    Homework Statement So I'm looking at the radiation exposure risk regarding depleted uranium (U-238) and nuclear waste (4.20% U-235, 95.8% U-238). Yes I know these compositions are incorrect; they're close enough to exact for my purposes. The only information I have is the half lives of the...