Recent content by SIQI

  1. S

    Can viruses be stored in a box without decaying?

    I see no reason why it can't be done, can't find any information on it in google. I think of a virus like a lego piece, it does what it does due to its shape and material. I couldn't find anything in regards to a virus's self decay. If you shelve it in a container that isolates it away from EM...
  2. S

    Building a solar cooker which can store heat

    Well. What I had in mind isn't exactly what you asked for but seems easy enough do to: Use the solar cooker to heat some something say water. Store that hot water inside thermal or pressure cooker, then you can use it to cook during night either the water or the heat given off by the water, but...
  3. S

    Constructing an underground cave

    Hello, I'm currently working on writing a story. This one involves a character that lives pretty much by himself and he has a built underground cave. Unfortunately I do not have the tools nor dexterity to test it out myself, but in theory it should work, just asking around to see what people...
  4. S

    Can't we just smelt plastic into igneous rocks?

    Thanks for all your replies zbik, my vocabulary is not very much, but I knew there had to be some others working towards such techniques used in the article, just wanted to see where people were at, I've saved the pdf for future reference. There are much more adjustment can be made if only...
  5. S

    Can't we just smelt plastic into igneous rocks?

    Well I mean the main problem with recycling is sorting the trash out, as such is the case (from my understanding of the situation anyways) the recycling plants here don't take plastic bags where I live. You've got things like toothpaste, bags, to that filled with grease, and such which makes it...
  6. S

    Can't we just smelt plastic into igneous rocks?

    Now cost asides...can't we just smelt plastic into igneous rocks? I'm sure we can achieve the temperature & pressure to do it. Plastics Mainly Composed of C H O N Cl S. N H Cl are all trappable within rock layers. Additives like Si and Fe can be added in various steps of heating to form silica...