Recent content by Sinimod

  1. S

    Climate change and Earth reflectivity

    The first thing I notice about the Palle et al. graph is that it registers no effects from the Pinatubo eruption. Curious. The ISCCP graph shows a large fluctuation in albedo from the Pinatubo eruption as would be expected. Second is the huge peak in 2003, which I understand the authors have...
  2. S

    History of thermohaline circulation

    Pa/Th ratios in ocean bottom sediments The ratio of protactinium 231 to thorium 230 in sediments recovered from the ocean floor in the Atlantic provide indication of when thermohaline circulation was strong, weak, and not operating. Read this article for a start on this subject...
  3. S

    How can anyone question man's significant role in global warming?

    I am certainly no expert in stomatal methodology for estimating atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Nor do I profess to have an intimate understanding of Kreutz's methodolgy. But a discrepancy of over 100 ppmv CO2 concentration strains credibility. It appears to me that one must choose which...
  4. S

    How can anyone question man's significant role in global warming?

    It seems there is a discrepancy between the Kurschner and Visscher graphs and data of Kreutz for CO2 levels in the 1940s. In addition, there is no mention in the text provided in the above link of CO2 concentrations reaching 430 ppmv in the 1940s. In fact, their data substantiates the belief...
  5. S

    How can anyone question man's significant role in global warming?

    Andre, Perhaps you could provide any links to stomatal evidence for these huge CO2 fluctuations. I would think that that shouldn't be difficult since stomatal data has been used all the way back to the Younger Dryas.
  6. S

    How can anyone question man's significant role in global warming?

    I meant to say 'the first statement CEI claimed was wrong.' Obviously there were others. Sorry for the oversight.
  7. S

    How can anyone question man's significant role in global warming?

    The Competetive Enterprise Institute (CEI) recently released their Working Paper on the internet "A Skeptics Giude to An Inconvenient Truth" (AIT) in which they purported to refute much of what was said in that publication and movie. At the beginning of this paper, the authors summarized claims...
  8. S

    Any speculation on the giant polynya in the Beaufort Sea?

    Undersea volcanic activity in the Arctic Ocean occurs along the Gakkel Ridge, the slowest spreading mid-ocean ridge currently known. However, this is not close to the Beaufort Sea.
  9. S

    How can anyone question man's significant role in global warming?

    Actually 0.29 is a misquote. The Goddard Model was actually off 0.09.
  10. S

    Why do clouds hold their shape in the wind?

    Interesting question. You don't find the same cohesiveness in smoke. As smoke rises it dissipates rapidly. I am not a physicist, but it is my understanding that because water molecules are dipolar, water droplets are slightly polarized and act like small magnets, attracting each other. However...
  11. S

    200,000,000 Years of Continental drift around Antarctica

    For a fascinating and detailed Powerpoint Presentation of one research group's reconstruction of the changes in continental configuation around Antarctica over the last 200MA, go to and click "Antarctica: Keystone of...
  12. S

    Any speculation on the giant polynya in the Beaufort Sea?

    It's interesting, is it not, that this exceptionally large polynya has formed during an ocean cooling event. If Arctic Ocean waters are warming, as NASA has claimed ( , would that not slow the heat exchange between the...
  13. S

    Any speculation on the giant polynya in the Beaufort Sea?

    True, polynyas are a natural and necessary part of sea ice dynamics. However, in terms of human observation, the size of this polynya is unprecedented.
  14. S

    Any speculation on the giant polynya in the Beaufort Sea?

    Polynyas Sorry, a polynya is an opening in the ice covering the sea. This particular polynya in the Beaufort Sea is exceptionally large.
  15. S

    Any speculation on the giant polynya in the Beaufort Sea?,0,4648388.story A hole (polynya) the size of Indiana has opened in the Beaufort Sea, a part of the Arctic Ocean. Can anyone speculate on the the cause of this hole, the likes of which have not been witnessed before in this part of the...