Recent content by Simpcar

  1. Simpcar

    Discharge in a DC RC circuit and negative sign of current

    Thank you very much for your time and for all you wrote! One last question, could you tell me the convention used in this case to make it work, please?
  2. Simpcar

    Discharge in a DC RC circuit and negative sign of current

    If I use KVL in the circuit I sketched, I get that the voltage across the capacitor must be the same as the voltage across the resistor V_C=V_R hence V_C-V_R=0 \to q(t)/C - I(t) R=0. Am I wrong? How can I 'see' the other current you talk about and what causes it? Could you add it in my sketch...
  3. Simpcar

    Discharge in a DC RC circuit and negative sign of current

    I can't disagree with you all, but I still don't understand the choice of a negative I(t) . As sophiecentaur says we have to believe in maths but if so, why should we put a negative sign? A derivative is just a mathematical tool that expresses the change of something, and as such, it has an...
  4. Simpcar

    Discharge in a DC RC circuit and negative sign of current

    Doesn't it lead to an increase of charge in the circuit and an equivalent decrease in the capacitor?
  5. Simpcar

    Discharge in a DC RC circuit and negative sign of current

    Hi everyone! I'm trying to understand why when writing the differential equation of a discharging RC circuit V_C-Ri(t)=0 \to q(t)/C - Ri(t)=0 we replace i(t) with -\frac{dq(t)}{dt}. I read many threads but I don't understand the physics behind this. The usual answers I read are something like...
  6. Simpcar

    What's the Connection Between My Italian Heritage and My Love for Physics?

    Hi! I'm Simone (pronounced as see-MO-ne) from Italy and I'm an undergraduate student of physics. Nice to meet you all!