Recent content by SimonJyc

  1. S

    Nausea from vertigo: an evolutionary by-product?

    I didn't mention fear of heights, just different states to which the brain reacts with vertigo/dizziness. I agree that it seems like a learned behaviour; and as many of us also know it can be unlearned to some degree.
  2. S

    Nausea from vertigo: an evolutionary by-product?

    I will read up on it! Thanks.
  3. S

    Nausea from vertigo: an evolutionary by-product?

    That's an interesting point about the 4-legged mammals with better balance. Were you thinking safety warning as in the brain signalling to to the muscles to reduce movement?
  4. S

    Nausea from vertigo: an evolutionary by-product?

    Why do humans (and other mammals) get nauseated from dizziness or vertigo? I can see the evolutionary advantage of nausea from food poisoning, but I can't see the direct "link" between vertigo and vomit. I found something on