Recent content by Simon43254

  1. S

    Electromagnetism learning problem

    What level of electromag are you studying? That would help. I would start with looking at ampere's and coulombs' law, so split the elements due to electricity and magnetism up. Then go onto look at Gaussian surface integrals and the Biot Savart law. EDIT: Great book to use would be Young And...
  2. S

    Solving Integral of sqrt(sinx)/(sqrt(sinx)+sqrt(cosx))dx: Help Needed

    As i said earlier, its not a homework question. It's a post exam question and Ugh you're going to love the ingenuity of the lecturer who just showed us a nifty little trick to flush this integration out in a much simpler form in much less time. The question started as the following: Show...
  3. S

    Solving Integral of sqrt(sinx)/(sqrt(sinx)+sqrt(cosx))dx: Help Needed

    Firstly,thanks for the correction on u^4+1/u, we'd noticed you'd missed the 2 out. However we're having problems with solving the partial fractions as we're just not getting a nice answer out on the other side. Also did try the t=u^2 solution but as Arildno said, it's a far more horrible...
  4. S

    Solving Integral of sqrt(sinx)/(sqrt(sinx)+sqrt(cosx))dx: Help Needed

    Before I start, this isn't a homework question. I'm having trouble solving this question, I was wondering if anyone can help me. The Question is as follows: Show that the Integral of sqrt(sinx)/(sqrt(sinx) + sqrt(cosx))dx between 0 and pi/2 is equal to pi/4 Using the substitution x=pi/2-y...
  5. S

    What is the average temperature of the Earth?

    Thanks, that's perfect Evo. I can work the rest out from that. Simon
  6. S

    What is the average temperature of the Earth?

    Purely because I have been set a hypothetical problem where an object that is to be "cooked" must travel through the entire earth. And since I've been asked to model the rareness (how well its been cooked) of the object, I need a rough idea of the average temperature of the Earth from core to...
  7. S

    What is the average temperature of the Earth?

    I don't need an exact value, just sort of, a rough estimate.
  8. S

    What is the average temperature of the Earth?

    Hey guys, I'm looking for the average temperature of the earth. I don't appear to be able to find one. If anyone knows the average value, or has seen it somewhere, I'd appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction, since I don't really want to calculate it myself. Oh, and I...
  9. S

    Why is the approximation of small angles valid for cosine but not for sine?

    If you check it and expand it yourself you get: sin(a+n)=sin(a)cos(n)+sin(n)cos(a) if N is small, Sin(n) is insignificant. let's just say close enough to 0. and using the same principle, if N is small, Cos(n) is close enough to 1. Think of the sin and cos curves for small values. This...
  10. S

    What is the Amplitude of a Particle? Understanding Photon Waves and Displacement

    Ok, on the quantum side that makes sense. So what about the classical?
  11. S

    What is the Amplitude of a Particle? Understanding Photon Waves and Displacement

    If a photon can be graphically demonstrated as a wave with amplitude x, what does the amplitude correspond to on a particle? Is it, it's displacement from its mean position at a given time?
  12. S

    Complete photonic view like the CMBR version

    Ahh ok that makes much more sense. Thanks D H
  13. S

    Complete photonic view like the CMBR version

    Well yea, but how do you know that the universe expands with the event horizon and doesn't go beyond it? And therefore there is something, anything, beyond that horizon that is undetectable to us? Saying "what's beyond it doesn't matter" isn't exactly helpful if say it can enter back across to...
  14. S

    Is the Cosmological Principle a Product of Our Perceptions or a Universal Truth?

    How do we know that the universe is isotropic and homogeneous and why do we succumb to accepting that there is no special place in the universe that is the center? Since if everything is expanding from everywhere else at the same rate, there is still going to be a point center where everything...
  15. S

    Complete photonic view like the CMBR version

    How can you tell if the distribution of matter throughout space is finite since you can't tell if there is anything beyond the light horizon of our universe, say another preexisting universe that isn't running parallel?