Recent content by Silicon Waffle

  1. Silicon Waffle

    Today I Learned

    Without the context we won't know the distinction between envy and jealousy in this case. Simpson has a long tongue. Here is the difference between them by the way.
  2. Silicon Waffle

    Random Thoughts Part 5: Time to Split Again

    I don't know what you have been through with your tooth. If it'd been pulled out, things'd be fine soon. relax, don't drink hot water and eat to many spicy or salty things. this can kill me and all the cats, uh...uhm...
  3. Silicon Waffle

    Random Thoughts Part 5: Time to Split Again

    Oh sorry to hear that. Is that the wise one ? Looks like a good keepsake.
  4. Silicon Waffle

    Random Thoughts Part 5: Time to Split Again

    She looks like Candace in Phineas and Ferb :DD
  5. Silicon Waffle

    Random Thoughts Part 5: Time to Split Again

    You and Zoobyshoe share the same work-space don't you ? Every time you are online, I see him too. :DD I love this movie and this song
  6. Silicon Waffle

    Celebrate with a Non-Birthday: Relaxing Bath, Beer, Chinese Food & More!

    Congratulations! You should have been living in pain before the surgery.
  7. Silicon Waffle

    Standard Data Types for Web Addresses, Phone Numbers?

    It depends. If your web addresses are something like, etc then it would definitely be varchar(Max value defined in RFC) In case they are something like and you need to store a millions to billions of them, then a single separate table with tinyint types...
  8. Silicon Waffle

    Random Thoughts Part 5: Time to Split Again

    Can it be that her testosterone level is higher than that of other women ?
  9. Silicon Waffle

    Random Thoughts Part 5: Time to Split Again

    Yes, maybe, but it totally depends on what we have been taught with socially to shape our mind and give birth to our concepts of what things are supposed to be beautiful. Why do none of us say someone with a face full of scars is beautiful ? I am hooked by masculine beauty, hairy old strong men...
  10. Silicon Waffle

    Random Thoughts Part 5: Time to Split Again

    Last week I went to a supermarket and met a woman whose legs were full of hair like that. Horrible! She seems to have never learned what feminine beauty is.
  11. Silicon Waffle

    When did you first feel like a grown up

    This on one hand seems to be a correct approach to realizing how much one may have probably grown up but on the other he won't likely recognize it's an endless enlightenment process he is pursuing, and thus even at 90, e.g he may still think he isn't a true grown-up at all. How to lead my life...
  12. Silicon Waffle

    Random Thoughts Part 5: Time to Split Again

    Preserved lemons look tasty.
  13. Silicon Waffle

    When did you first feel like a grown up

    When you start to feel that you want to live a young life again (most old people will probably have to go through this stage) and that's cool if they think they want to do it with a different life partner :DD, a sign of full maturity.
  14. Silicon Waffle

    Random Thoughts Part 5: Time to Split Again

    They look soooooooooo cute :biggrin:.