Recent content by Siann122

  1. S

    Mathematical Induction on two Matrices

    Any replies I'm making from here on in are me blundering in the dark. This logic thing I'm really struggling with because I seem to not have any :P. As for CAF123's response, because the matrix is now (1x1 1x1) = (1 1). I don't get how that relates at all because the only way that that...
  2. S

    Mathematical Induction on two Matrices

    Then I'm honestly stuck given that I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, as I've never done induction with matrices before and my book doesn't explain how to do it with matrices specifically. I know that's a piss poor excuse but wrapping my head around it as a matrix as opposed to say a set...
  3. S

    Mathematical Induction on two Matrices

    That's my primary issue. Normally if there was An+1 I'd assume that A * An = B(n). I don't really know where else to go with that, I simplified both matrices down.
  4. S

    Mathematical Induction on two Matrices

    So An+1 = B(n+1). (Or at least to do induction I would assume this to be true). Still have kind of lost me though, how do I apply this to the question?
  5. S

    Mathematical Induction on two Matrices

    Homework Statement (1 1)^n = (1 n) (0 1) (0 1) Prove this through mathematical induction. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I've replaced n with 1, so I've done that far. Then I said k = n. Then replaced all n with (k+1). I'm really stuck...
  6. S

    Truth Table Rules of Inference

    I was under the inference that because it's a homework question they're looking for it to be done in a certain way. If I can hand it in as a truth table then that would be swell.
  7. S

    Truth Table Rules of Inference

    That's correct, but I didn't use rules of inference, I drew up a truth table.
  8. S

    Truth Table Rules of Inference

    1. p ⇒ p ∨ q addition 2. p ∧ q ⇒ p simplification 3. p ∧ (p → q) ⇒ q modus ponens 4. ¬q ∧ (p → q) ⇒ ¬p modus tollens 5. (p ∨ q) ∧ ¬p ⇒ q disjunctive syllogism 6. (p → q) ∧ (q → r) ⇒ p → r hypothetical syllogism These are the rules that my lecture notes have written. I didn't write them because I...
  9. S

    Truth Table Rules of Inference

    Homework Statement Use the rules of inference to prove the following: (¬p ^ q) ^ (r → p) ^ (¬r → s) ^ (s → t) ) ⇔ t. Homework Equations Rules of Inference I guess. The Attempt at a Solution Honestly I don't know where to start using the rules of inference. I drew a truth table and...
  10. S

    Vandermonde Matrix and an Error Vector

    Thanks very much, this works like a charm.
  11. S

    Solving Identity Matrices Homework Problems

    Thanks for sticking with me, I screwed up a few times with some silly errors :P. (2A + BT)-1 = 1/4 ½ 1 -1 (2A + BT)-1A = ¾ 1 -1 -1 Which is correct! Thanks!
  12. S

    Linear Transformation with a Matrix

    Thanks so much for your help guys.
  13. S

    Vandermonde Matrix and an Error Vector

    When I use that I get an error saying Matrix Dimensions Must Agree?
  14. S

    Solving Identity Matrices Homework Problems

    Yeah I picked this one up. Updated: 2A+BT = 4 2 4 1 Det (2A+BT) = 4 – 8 = -4 (2A + BT)-1 = 5/4 2 -1 -1 (2A + BT)-1A = (-1/2)(1)+(1)(2) (-1/2)(2)+(1)(3) (2)(1)+(-2)(2) (2)(2)+(-2)(3) =(21/4) (17/2) (-3) (-5)Det(A-1 * BT + 2I) = -12 - -16 = 4 (A-1 * BT + 2I)-1 =...
  15. S

    Linear Transformation with a Matrix

    Alright, so by my logic a unit square is created through the following matrix: 1 0 0 1 And if I turn that above formula into a matrix, I will get the following: {2 6} {x} {1 3} {y} Is my logic sound? Does that matrix represent it or am I not quite getting it still?