Recent content by shimzz5

  1. S

    Can Macroscopically Distinguishable Objects Have the Same Entropy?

    The Boltzmann entropy -the number of microstates. We can imagine two balls of the same volume but which are macroscopically different - can they have the same entropy?
  2. S

    Can Macroscopically Distinguishable Objects Have the Same Entropy?

    I'm kinda confused on the concept of entropy of everyday, low entropy states like macroscopic objects. It is said that the entropy is a measure of disorder, or distinguishability between macroscopic states. Can two objects which are macroscopically distinguishable/look different have the same...
  3. S

    Probability of a fluctuation/entropy decrease

    For the first formula: For the second: Chapter 4.3.
  4. S

    Probability of a fluctuation/entropy decrease

    Suppose we have a gas in the room at some temperature which is room temperature or higher. In some references the probability is given by -ΔS, which is indeed a tiny number and makes sense. However, in other references the probability is given by the Boltzmann factor plus the number of...