Recent content by shazi

  1. S

    Pdf of angle formed by two normal random variables

    Thanks Everyone, I'll start with the method suggested by Stephen
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    Pdf of angle formed by two normal random variables

    I considered integrating over 0 to 2pi to exclude redundant angles. Without that integration the PDF would be a sinusoid that continues forever, it wouldn't integrate to one, and therefore not a valid PDF. But I'm not sure this is a correct way to do it. Yes, I'm trying to find the PDF of...
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    Pdf of angle formed by two normal random variables

    For example, if random variables x and y both have mean equal one then intuitively the mean of the random variable angle should be pi/4, because random variables x and y are going along the x and y-axis respectively. Also if x has mean equal one and y has mean equal negative one, the mean of...
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    Pdf of angle formed by two normal random variables

    Hi Everyone! I have two normally distributed random variables. One on the x axis, the other on the y axis, like a complex normal random variable. I'm trying to find the pdf of the angle between a fixed point on the x-y plane(let's say point 1,0) and the vector formed by combining the two...
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    Question about Fourier Series (symmetrical signals)

    "x(t) is both cos and sin functions multiplied right? " The Fourier representation is the sum of cos and sin at different frequencies and amplitudes (instead of multiplying them) But to find the amplitudes we have to multiply the function being represented with cos and sin (along with more...
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    Grounding Considerations for Portable Radio Devices

    Actually it's a radio device. I'm going to get an oscillator and connect it to an antenna. Would the ground for the antenna need to be set up differently than the ground for the ICs?
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    Grounding Considerations for Portable Radio Devices

    Hi, Some of the ICs for a portable device I'm making need to be attached to ground. However, the device needs to be wireless so I can't ground it the way we usually do. Is there any way around this, such as a circuit that could somehow act as ground? Thanks.
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    AC Frequency Converter Circuit Diagram

    I don't know the theory behind it. But now I'm curious and look forward to someone else's response.
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    AC Frequency Converter Circuit Diagram

    Idoubt, that's right, we can rectify to get dc and use an inverter to get back ac. The VCO is basically an inverter. When you say 50 - 60 Hz it sounds like we might be dealing with power from an outlet. If that's the case, the IC that I know of that has VCO won't be able to take that much...
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    AC Frequency Converter Circuit Diagram

    One option is to get a voltage regulator to convert AC to DC. This voltage can then be increased or decreased by using either an op-amp or voltage divider. This adjusted voltage then goes to a Voltage Controlled Oscillator. This produces a certain frequency depending on the voltage going into...