Recent content by Sharadindu

  1. Sharadindu

    Schools Get Into Elite Colleges: Preparing for MIT with 3 Years Left

    Thanks a lot for those. It'll help me a lot in the log run. Btw, Can anybody let me clear the matter of AP? I've been reading many articles, posts, blogs and all that; but not getting it clearly.
  2. Sharadindu

    Schools Get Into Elite Colleges: Preparing for MIT with 3 Years Left

    @Vanadium 50 You seems to be more of a philosopher mate. o0) ! Anyway, Thanks for the infos. :smile: And btw, what are the other points on which I should focus on in order to increase my chances? I know there's no specific 'formula' and probability plays a key role here, but still, for...
  3. Sharadindu

    Schools Get Into Elite Colleges: Preparing for MIT with 3 Years Left

    @SteamKing _ Well Thanks mate. It'll help me a lot. Btw, I've heard of applicants who were selected there, were engaged in social work, in one way or other. So, I’ve also got a doubt here. Suppose, I’m doing social works, helping poor kids by providing books for education, donating them...
  4. Sharadindu

    Schools Get Into Elite Colleges: Preparing for MIT with 3 Years Left

    I’ve done some research in the net for some time, after which I've come up with the following doubts: 1. What is the difference between ACT and SAT? Also, what is a PSAT? 2. What minimum marks Ivy Leagues and Elite Schools want/require in SAT for an international student? 3. In an AP exam...
  5. Sharadindu

    Schools Get Into Elite Colleges: Preparing for MIT with 3 Years Left

    @SteamKing _ Thanks a lot again. :smile: I'll take your advice for sure.
  6. Sharadindu

    Schools Get Into Elite Colleges: Preparing for MIT with 3 Years Left

    @SteamKing ... Thanks a lot for this info. Btw, can you please explain me a bit about this very 'package'?
  7. Sharadindu

    Schools Get Into Elite Colleges: Preparing for MIT with 3 Years Left

    @Vanadium 50 ... I'm already personally researching about the same for the past few months. I've come upon several books and blogs as well, in which different methods were written/posted. You can say, I've almost seen all of the links in the first page that come up while google-ing something...
  8. Sharadindu

    Schools Get Into Elite Colleges: Preparing for MIT with 3 Years Left

    Hi! I'm an Indian student from the CBSE curriculum in 10th standad (started a month ago). I want to do under-graduation in Astronomy / Computer Sciences / Robotics / Mechanical Engineering (still not decided yet. But it'd be much better if I can able to study all of them together :p) in any of...