Recent content by shanu_bhaiya

  1. S

    Calculating Newton's Gravitational Constant in Different Units

    Homework Statement Is there any standard method known to work with units in which speed of light (c), Planck's constant (h), Boltzmann constant (kb) are given by: c=1 h=2*pi (i.e. h_cross=1) kb=1 For example, how can we calculate Newton's Gravitational Constant (G) in these units. If...
  2. S

    Multivariable Calculus, inspection of (0,0) for f(x,y) = y^2+3x^4-4yx^2

    Thanks a lot for reply, I wasn’t even expecting one this time. Hence this statement is wrong: “For a function f(x,y), (x0, y0) is a local minima if it is a local minima of all those curves which are obtained by intersecting (y- y0) = m(x- x0) with f(x,y).” As you said: I cannot conclude that...
  3. S

    Multivariable Calculus, inspection of (0,0) for f(x,y) = y^2+3x^4-4yx^2

    The Problem: Problem is reference to Problem 23 on Page 210 of Basic Multivariable Calculus by Marsden, Tromba, Weinstein. But my problem is a bit different. The main problem is: For the function f(x,y) = y2+3x4-4x2y , is (0,0) a local maxima, minima or saddle point? The secondary...
  4. S

    Special Relativity Problem (1.364, Irodov)

    In image, by fault there are two v' written for the velocity of rod, so don't be confused. And on emore thing the problem is 1.364 from Problems in General Physics - I. E. Irodov.
  5. S

    Special Relativity Problem (1.364, Irodov)

    Homework Statement The rod AB oriented parallel to the x' axis of the reference frame K' moves in this frame with a velocity v' along it's y' axis. In its turn, the frame K' moves with a velocity V relative to the frame K as shown in Figure. Find the angle (theta) between the rod and the...
  6. S

    Special Relativity, please explain the meaning of this problem

    Homework Statement The reference frame K' moves in the positive direction of the x-axis of the frame K with a relative velocity V. Suppose that at the moment when the origins of coordinates O and O' coincide, the clock readings at these points are equal to zero in both frames. Find the...
  7. S

    Doubt regarding Length Contraction's derivation

    Got it finally, Lvγ/c2 is the time added to the dilated time. And hence Δt' = L/c + Lv/c2. Anyway I've a question regarding myself as a physicist: I want to go for higher studies in theoretical physics like field theories, string theory, etc. Which vision or image of Special Relativity will you...
  8. S

    Doubt regarding Length Contraction's derivation

    Please check whether I'm right or not: If Event E1 happens at A and Event E2 happens at B at time t=0 in frame AB, simultaneously. Then in frame S, if E1 happens at t=0 then E2 will happen at Lvγ/c2, i.e. E2 happens later than E1 in frame S. I've corrected that error, that was only just typing...
  9. S

    Doubt regarding Length Contraction's derivation

    Relativity of Simultaneity: |S| A|-----------**-----------|B ->v t=0 |S| |-------A|*--------------------*|B t=t1 Here light is left from center of AB, which reaches to A and B, Striking of light to A and B are 2 events. Length of AB is L...
  10. S

    Doubt regarding Length Contraction's derivation

    OK, since I have just begun to learn Special Relativity, I'm not at all familiar with mass defect, so I'll get into that later. And one last thing the length L was in AB frame, so B will lag by Lvγ/c2 and not by Lv/c2. Thanks again for helping me.
  11. S

    Doubt regarding Length Contraction's derivation

    Thanks Janus and DocAl for clearing the doubt, I've now realized what Janus wanted to tell earlier after DocAl's explanation. Yes, it did work and I got the Length Contraction's formula. Based on what I concluded from this I want to tell something, please check whether that's correct or not...
  12. S

    Doubt regarding Length Contraction's derivation

    OK, since I'm not getting any response I'll reframe my problem: The Problem: Why we cannot consider only one reflection of light in the derivation of Length Contraction formula as shown above? Attempt to the problem: As shown above the derivation in both cases results in different formulas and...
  13. S

    Doubt regarding Length Contraction's derivation

    Thanks a lot for replying. I didn't understand why we cannot compare t and t', do you mean that t = t’γ is wrong, why is that so? AB is moving with speed v w.r.t. S and event is occurring in AB, so the time measurement of S will be dilated by a factor of γ and hence t = t’γ. Can some please more...