Recent content by ShakilasSalafi

  1. S

    Book References [honours maths in UK]

    Hello I am doing an honours course in Maths in India. I am in my second year. We mostly read books written by Indian authors and some US authors. However, I would like to know what books undergraduates in the UK refer to for the following topics, (since I wish to do my Masters and my Doctorate...
  2. S

    Good book on particle dynamics

    I am a B.Sc. 2nd year student of Maths (Honours-equivalent to an US Maths Major), Physics and Computer Science(Probably equivalent to US Physics minor and CS minor) in a college in India. I hope to become a specialist in Mathematical Physics later on. Since my background knowledge of core...
  3. S

    Physics Guidance for a maths student

    I am a B.Sc. 2nd year student of Maths (Honours-equivalent to an US Maths Major), Physics and Computer Science(Probably equivalent to US Physics minor and CS minor) in a college in India. I hope to become a specialist in Mathematical Physics later on. Since my background knowledge of core...
  4. S

    Information on the German mathematics and physics education

    I am currently studying in 12th standard in India. My subjects are English, Bengali, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science. I am quite good in mathematics. I would like to study maths and physics in Germany. Please give me some detailed information about the maths ans physics curricula...