Recent content by sgolson

  1. S

    Space-Time Warpage and Kinetic Energy

    Nugatory, thanks again. I understand now. I didn't imagine that the de-warping space-time in the wake of the moving mass would return any and all energy to the mass that was transferred to the space-time in front. But one more question: You write "or you could say that there is no net...
  2. S

    Space-Time Warpage and Kinetic Energy

    Thanks for your reply. I understand everything you've said, but I don't understand why an action (mass distorts space-time) doesn't result in an equal and opposite reaction which would cause the velocity of the mass to be altered.
  3. S

    Space-Time Warpage and Kinetic Energy

    A mass moves through space-time at constant velocity. Space-time around this mass is warped by the mass and as the mass moves through space-time it causes unwarped space-time to warp and already warped space-time to warp more. In addition, the space-time it has moved through de-warps. Why...