Recent content by SF Alba

  1. SF Alba

    B What is the maximum lifespan of a B-class blue giant star?

    Hi. I couldn't find good information of this online, so I'll ask here. I'm wondering what the maximum possible lifespan of a particular star. Here's what is known of it: It's a B class-blue giant star. Its surface temperature is 25,000 K. (This is very vague and may offer no help but:) It has no...
  2. SF Alba

    I Communicating at Near-Light Speed - Time Dilation

    So, I've been wondering: how would time dilation affect communications? For the sake of visualisation, imagine the Flash is running at 99% the speed of light in a circle around a fixed position. There's a building in this position, and inside this building are his friends. Due to time dilation...
  3. SF Alba

    What Sparks My Curiosity: An Exploration of Science and the Mind

    Hi everyone. I'm known as Alba online. If you know anything about Gaelic, you can probably decipher that me being known as Alba means I'm Scottish. I'm interested in the universe in general. If there's an area of knowledge, chances are I'll find it interesting. I'm particularly interested in...