Recent content by SeReNiTy

  1. S

    Random Matrices Literature Review

    Hello experts, I'm about to embark on a new line of research. Random Matrices as you might of guessed. Coming from a algebra/geometry background, I am looking for some simple papers along with some references you guys could give. I need to do a literature review in a few weeks, so please any...
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    Number Theory: Find Multiplicative Order for (a,n) = 1

    Hey guys, I've been studying some number theory recently and have a question. We know if (a,n) = 1 then a^phi(n) is congruent to 1 (mod n) where phi(n) = euler's totient function Now my question is the totient function does not always return the smallest possible integer such that a^k is...
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    Schools Tips to get addmission in good university?

    I got accepted to UCB, it seems that my reference letters played a huge role in determining my acceptance. GPA is not really a issue (mind you you better have a 3.9 +).
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    Mathematica Mathematical recommendations for the study of theoretical physics

    When i was at Monash University in Australia, all the cutting edge theory was done in the mathematics department. At UCB its different however...
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    Which Course for Theoretical Physics: Physics or Math+Phys?

    It seems to me cutting edge theoretical physics these days are done my people with very strong mathematical background. So learn as much mathematics as you can.
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    Do you need to do calculus to be a good physicist.

    I wasn't talking about elementary algebra.
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    Do you need to do calculus to be a good physicist.

    Physics can be done in the algebraic setting.
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    Is Berkeley's Prestige in Pure Math Well-Earned Compared to UCLA?

    Well done. If your a top student I will see you around the campus...
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    How can I motivate myself to do my homework and stop procrastinating?

    I have the same problem. It was because class work was too trivial. I just started studying books that were more interesting and got hooked on doing challenging problems that took days to solve, not seconds. Maybe all this martial arts can help but i don't see how it is different to a good...
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    Proof of Vandermonde's Identity by Induction

    So does anyone know of a proof using induction? The identity is also known as vandermonde's convolution \sum_{k=0}^{n}{a\choose k}{b \choose n-k}={a+b\choose n} Where a,b are real numbers. I already know of the proof using binomial theorem and the combinatorics counting argument, now...
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    Proof of Vandermonde's Identity by Induction

    I want to do it without using binomial theorem. So by induction, but my combinatorics is weak...
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    Proof of Vandermonde's Identity by Induction

    Can someone point me in the right direction with vandermonde's identity, I'm seeking a algebraic proof. essentially it its the sum of (a ,k)(b ,n-k) = (a+b ,n) when summed over k = 0 to n. Could someone right this out in latex since it is probably incomprehensible. I used (a ,k) to denote...
  13. S

    From Christoffel symbols to connection 1-forms

    Your relationship is correct, although i don't like to call them the christoffel symbols, i prefer to use the term connection co-efficients since they rely on the second half of the levi-civita connection to calculate. your wijk = 1/2( g(ek,[ei,ej]) - g(ei,[ej,ek]) - g(ej, [ek,ei]) ) where...
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    Finding the Best Textbook for Introductory Calculus Refresher

    There is no better introduction calculus text then calculus by spivak.