Recent content by serendipityfox

  1. S

    Simplify this fraction containing imaginary numbers

    got it, rationalise denominator, i wasn't used to applying it to complaex numbers
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    Simplify this fraction containing imaginary numbers

    @PeroK- thankyou, i understand @ BvU- this is the first thing i tried, leading to... (1-2i-3) / (1+2i+3) therefore (-2i-2) / (2i+4) how to proceed?
  3. S

    Simplify this fraction containing imaginary numbers

    what i wrote is exactly what was written on the test paper, there is no more information :(
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    Simplify this fraction containing imaginary numbers

    there are no brackets in the question... what brackets do you refer to?
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    Simplify this fraction containing imaginary numbers

    i can get to 3i+1/1-3i but no further. I take it this is the correct way to start
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    Combined Gas Law: Find Volume V2

    thanks for the answers, i am happy with what i have... i am now sure the question is designed to dilineate two levels of students, and so there's no need for me to progress further for now.
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    Combined Gas Law: Find Volume V2

    Damn! I need to convert to Kelvin for gas problems, right
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    Combined Gas Law: Find Volume V2

    P1= 13.6 V1= 1.1 T1= 22 P2 = 14.4 V2= x T2 = 32 my answer is 1.51L am i missing something? 
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    Speeding bullet, average force by post on bullet

    physics question section on an MCAT practice paper
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    Speeding bullet, average force by post on bullet

    so still no viable answer according to the exam sheet... well this discourse has been helpful anyway, thanks
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    Speeding bullet, average force by post on bullet

    @Delta2 - thankyou for the assistance @PeroK - sorry will endevour to be more precise
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    Speeding bullet, average force by post on bullet

    ... average force exerted by post on bullet, will be same as the bullet on post?
  13. S

    Speeding bullet, average force by post on bullet

    thankyou delta2 i bungled the second equation... should be 9 / 0.00033 of course answer i get is 2.7*10^4 but the mcq answers are... a) 9.0*10^3 b) 5.3*10^4 c) 2.4*10^5 d) 1.6*10^6