Recent content by Sentience

  1. S

    Engineering Mid-Career Education: Overcoming a Difficult Start

    Basically, I took a bunch of credits at around age 19-23 and did not do so well. Most of these were gen ed. courses that I did not take seriously. I attribute that mostly to being young (I was focused on goofing off) and not knowing what I wanted with my life. At age 25 (I'm 26, almost 27 now)...
  2. S

    A non-traditional student who could use some life advice

    I want to emphasize I like science and I think about it often. It's definitely something I am interested in. I just want to have a somewhat balanced life is all. Doing full time school and part time work was really tough is all. I never saw family or friends. I WANT to get that degree, I am just...
  3. S

    A non-traditional student who could use some life advice

    The only time I failed to achieve my goal was when my gf dumped my ***. I dropped some classes because I felt like complete **** and could not focus. It's called being human. Again, when I actually began studying engineering IN EARNEST, I made good grades. In the math, science, and engineering...
  4. S

    A non-traditional student who could use some life advice

    Don't get me wrong, there were a few people who were really cool in my math and science classes but a lot of them...not so much. Maybe I'm being arrogant but they just didn't seem like interesting people to me. Then again, I live in Utah and half the class it seems is married.
  5. S

    A non-traditional student who could use some life advice

    Props to your daughter. She works her *** off!
  6. S

    A non-traditional student who could use some life advice

    I will try and keep this to-the-point. I'm 26 years old. I've been going to school on and off since I was about 19 while working. The years from when I was 19 until about 24 I was in exploring mode. I took a lot of generals. Neither of my parents went to college so I did not have a lot of...
  7. S

    Internship Question (considering quitting)

    Actually I acknowledge the fact I'll probably need them at some point but I don't want to completely rely on them. I still have a good ways to go and I'll get another internship at some point.
  8. S

    Internship Question (considering quitting)

    To be honest that would mean me moving back in with my mom which I really would rather not do.
  9. S

    Internship Question (considering quitting)

    Some technical writing too.
  10. S

    Internship Question (considering quitting)

    As I mentioned in the post, that's only recently as the company has grown very quickly. I've been involved with experiments, data collection and analysis, failure analysis, and some small research projects.
  11. S

    Internship Question (considering quitting)

    For a little background, I am not a full time student. I am not a traditional student either. (I'm 26 and have about 2 or 3 years left before I finish my undergrad.) So money/time is a bit more of an issue for me since bills don't pay themselves. I also don't want to just quit and take out...
  12. S

    Internship Question (considering quitting)

    Right now I'm at an internship for a startup company. (I'm a chemical engineering major) I've been there for 6 months. Overall it's been great experience for me but lately since I am part time I'm being assigned to more and more mundane tasks. Things a secretary could do. They assign the real...
  13. S

    Courses Difficulty of lower division courses vs. upper division (undergraduate)

    Thanks for the advice. Just curious, do you work at all?
  14. S

    Courses Difficulty of lower division courses vs. upper division (undergraduate)

    Within the next year, I'm transferring from the local community college to the state university to complete my BS in chemical engineering. Right now I have about 3.5 gpa in my lower division courses (math, chem, physics, intro engineering, etc). Obviously, I'm going to work as hard as I can to...