Recent content by seldon.paul

  1. S

    Dreams of the Future: Deja Vu & Knowing What's Next I found these people were suffering with disturbed sleeps. Very weird way ~
  2. S

    What is the microwave auditory effect and how is it possible?

    The youtube above link is broken. Here is the link.
  3. S

    Dreams of the Future: Deja Vu & Knowing What's Next

    I saw the article about altering the dreams in the newspaper, online, the Strait Times in Singapore, by nearly similar way. Weird ~ I was scared. If inducing good dreams are perfectly fine - but inducing nightmare or something that one didn't like? under the sleep mode, how one can resist...
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    What is the microwave auditory effect and how is it possible?

    I came across one article in Washington Post. It was talking about "microwave auditory effect," which I had no idea of. So, I have read the below regarding microwave auditory effect in wiki. I still have no clue. Just jaw opening...
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    Dreams of the Future: Deja Vu & Knowing What's Next

    I found the effect of music or sound while I was in sleep. I realized the sound during my sleep can influence the dream itself. It was weird. But, I experimented good music and heavy metal ~ It was different ~ especially when I was about to wake up. It gives very pleasant feeling secure and...
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    Measuring Microwave Machine Leakage - Is There a Way?

    I have a microwave machine. I am questioning whether it has leakage or not. I am asking is there a way of measuring the leakage of microwave machine. What I have been doing was, I purchased oscilloscope, it is on the way. whenever I turned on the microwave machine, the following will be...