Recent content by sefiroths

  1. sefiroths

    Java Runge-Kutta method for Simple pendulum in java

    Hi, I'm trying to study Runge-Kutta method and apply on a simple pendulum. Using a timestep dt=0.1 (h=0.1) the pendulum increses energy of 1% every period... while in this site: decreses energy about 0.01% What am I doing wrong...
  2. sefiroths

    Java Solar system simulator JAVA source code

    Thanks a lot, I'll check out
  3. sefiroths

    Java Solar system simulator JAVA source code

    tried and this corrupt even other simulations with other algorithm. in next version I'll implement all methods of calculation to make it comparable Thanks a lot, I'll provide all source code after all, and perhaps I'll make a javascript version so we can play with parameters online
  4. sefiroths

    Java Solar system simulator JAVA source code

    In the first post I had a problem that the moon had an orbit like the earth, on post #5 i wrote that I had solved the problem, then DrStupid point my attention on a potentially wrong calculation that should lead a falling planet over the sun. Now I'm searching how to enphatize this error seeing...
  5. sefiroths

    Java Solar system simulator JAVA source code

    @BvU I have left the program running all night, also changed timestep with 10, 1, 0.5... seems that speed corresponds (scaled by my program //1 sdu = 10^10 m // scaled distance unit //1 smu = 10^29 kg //scaled mass unit //1 stu = 10^5 s ) In next version I'll use coords, vels, ecc... without...
  6. sefiroths

    Java Solar system simulator JAVA source code

    I have searched something and found this: see (4.11), seem what I have implemented... is it correct?
  7. sefiroths

    Java Solar system simulator JAVA source code

    I don't know if I can make something like I've written. I wanted to use this example in a high school and they don't know what is an integration, derivate or Euler method... so I thought something like this: 1) resultant a at istant k is: ak = ∑ai given by attraction of every planet 2) now...
  8. sefiroths

    Java Solar system simulator JAVA source code

    @DrStupid Yes this is an error and seem that resolve the problem! I have watched the code many times without see that "+"! many thanks
  9. sefiroths

    Java Solar system simulator JAVA source code

    Hi, I'm developing a very simple solar system simulator for educational purpose. I had taken from wikipedia mass, velocity of planet and applied universal gravitation formula and applied to all celestial corps. It works well, but when I add the moon... the moon is like a planet, rotating around...