Recent content by seb7

  1. seb7

    I Create movement from leveraging the propagation of magmatism

    I don't know of any equations that take into account the propagation of these forces
  2. seb7

    I Create movement from leveraging the propagation of magmatism

    yep I understand this, but where's the flaw?
  3. seb7

    I Create movement from leveraging the propagation of magmatism

    Imagine two electro-magnets about a metre apart aimed at each other. We turn one of them on, and are able to watch the magnetism propagate in slow motion. The moment the magnetism reaches the second electro-magnet, we turn this on (in a manner in which it attracts), and turn the first one...
  4. seb7

    I Measuring One-Way Anisotropy of Light Speed

    I've always thought that light could possibly be transmitted faster in one direction than the other depending on the velocity of its container - despite what the current understanding of physics says! The problem is that its very hard to prove, and to this end I've read through all the...
  5. seb7

    Two or three types of heat transfer?

    Heat transfer: Conduction - Convection - Radiation, but I was wondering if conductive transfer is actually radiation transfer, but at contact distances; well not really contact since no material actually touches each other (at a quantum level). So, is conductive heat actually being...
  6. seb7

    I No Infinite speed on information yet?

    Could someone explain why we can not use the double split experiment with entangled photon pairs as to communicate information at infinite speed? Switching off and on readers effects whether the other photons displays as interference or as particles; so why can't we use this to send 1 and 0s...
  7. seb7

    Electrostatic Forces: Attraction vs Repulsion

    obviously the simple formula says its the same, but does experiments agree?
  8. seb7

    Electrostatic Forces: Attraction vs Repulsion

    Hi, two questions: Does the same energy put into an attraction force give the same force as a repulsion force? I am wondering if one is measuring slightly weaker than the other. ie. If I measure the positive/negative attraction force, is the positive/positive repulsion force as strong when...
  9. seb7

    Exploring the Truth Behind Time Dilation: Debunking Common Misconceptions

    yes, this was part of my maths. Some good links there, the pdf and "Minkowski diagrams' very similar to my way of thinking - don't feel such an idiot now. I disagree, I totally understand this (the principles and the maths involved. I do often seem to get answers about frames that I wasn't...
  10. seb7

    Exploring the Truth Behind Time Dilation: Debunking Common Misconceptions

    so 0.96c(est) from the original fixed position, but is +0.8c beyond the ship. So whos to say we can't travel beyond light speed, it just can't ever be observed. Could it be light itself is infinite but can only be observed at light speed. Might help explain some of the weird effects of it...
  11. seb7

    Exploring the Truth Behind Time Dilation: Debunking Common Misconceptions

    isnt this just caused by the time dilation? We can consider any object with velocity to also be at rest, so.. Two ships traveling side by side, already moving at 0.8c. One of the ships then accelerates again attempting to reach +0.8c from the ship they left behind. Does the ship behind...
  12. seb7

    Exploring the Truth Behind Time Dilation: Debunking Common Misconceptions

    ok, so the light clock explanation helps to get a point across; but I'm correct in saying it can not be the actual reason for time dilation? (surely if this were correct then wouldn't electrons have an elliptic orbit, and some kind of zero rest frame would have to exist where electrons had a...
  13. seb7

    Exploring the Truth Behind Time Dilation: Debunking Common Misconceptions

    Yes, but onboad the ship, can't they do whatever speed they like? (Well, they think they can, as the time slow down makes them think they are traveling beyond c) I don't have my calculation to hand, but i think 0.87c would cause a time dilation of around 0.5, thus the ship's navigation (when...
  14. seb7

    Exploring the Truth Behind Time Dilation: Debunking Common Misconceptions

    So a ship can go 0.8c, but can never stop and return at the same speed? because that would mean it adds up to relative speed difference of -1.6c?
  15. seb7

    Exploring the Truth Behind Time Dilation: Debunking Common Misconceptions

    ok. got it. ship or Earth might move apart at 0.8c, but ship actually needs 1.6c to return, still making it the faster object. 0.8c to decelerate to a stop, another 0.8c to return. but ... if photos/atoms are actually working like this 'light clock', wouldn't there be a direction which has...