Recent content by Seanra

  1. Seanra

    I The speed of light in a medium and path integrals

    So I've heard from multiple sources that one explanation for why light slows down whilst traveling through mediums other than a vacuum is that the light "takes every possible path at the same time" through the medium. Below I've drawn my two possible interpretations of what that means. Can...
  2. Seanra

    I My lecturer says "Special relativity is absolutely wrong"

    Thankyou so much for this Atyy, I'm going to head to bed now but I'll read over this in the morning and get back to you and everybody else :) Thanks again everybody, I really appreciate your input!
  3. Seanra

    I My lecturer says "Special relativity is absolutely wrong"

    Hey just to make sure we're all on the same page, have you seen the screencap I posted in my first message that shows what I said and what my lecturer said? Is SR relevant to the discussion of the now debunked FTL neutrinos that were "discovered" by OPERA?
  4. Seanra

    I My lecturer says "Special relativity is absolutely wrong"

    Thanks for that explanation. So I guess the question is, if I want to go about trying to convince him that he is wrong (an extremely difficult thing to accomplish when he has based entire lectures on SR being wrong) how should I go about it and what are some of the best sources I can use to back...
  5. Seanra

    I My lecturer says "Special relativity is absolutely wrong"

    I think you can guess the answer to that... Ahaha that's a good read. Guys are there ANY circumstances under which special relativity is superseded by general relativity? Is there at least an inkling of truth to what he is saying?
  6. Seanra

    I My lecturer says "Special relativity is absolutely wrong"

    Putting aside what my lecturer said for a moment, I have a question: Due to the expansion of the universe, galaxies the distance between distance galaxies grows extremely quickly over time. Can we say in any sense that these galaxies are traveling faster than the speed of light?
  7. Seanra

    I My lecturer says "Special relativity is absolutely wrong"

    Okay guy's i really need to know if I'm missing something here or is my lecturer brainwashing my entire class into thinking special relativity is wrong and completely superseded by general relativity. Here is a discussion one of the students in my class had with the lecturer...
  8. Seanra

    I My lecturer says "Special relativity is absolutely wrong"

    Yup, the contention of my assignment was that scientific anomalies such as the "discovery" of FTL neutrinos are usually due to experimental error. Yup exactly what I thought. Alas I'm still going to lose marks sigh... A philosophy of physics class at one of the top universities in Australia...
  9. Seanra

    I My lecturer says "Special relativity is absolutely wrong"

    Hi guys In an assignment I wrote for university I was penalised for claiming that FTL neutrinos would violate special relativity. Below is the relevant part of my assignment and the response from my lecturer. Could somebody please explain what he could mean by that because as far as I can...
  10. Seanra

    I Could "reverse entropy stars" exist in our universe?

    Well he seems to believe that reverse entropy objects could exist in our current universe. Again, I'm no expert but I am sceptical of claims that I can't find any credible backing for.
  11. Seanra

    I Could "reverse entropy stars" exist in our universe?

    No he definitely isn't referring to a white hole.
  12. Seanra

    I Could "reverse entropy stars" exist in our universe?

    He specifically said such a star could "suck out photons from a previously exposed detector". But yes, I agree with what you said 100%.
  13. Seanra

    I Could "reverse entropy stars" exist in our universe?

    Hi guys Thanks so much for replying. It sounds like we all seem to agree that there may be something wrong here. However, in my best effort to not misrepresent his argument, here is a link to a screencap of him discussing the topic with a skeptical student (all names are removed)...
  14. Seanra

    I Could "reverse entropy stars" exist in our universe?

    My lecturer claimed that "reverse entropy stars" could exist in our universe. One of the examples he gave was that if you exposed some sort of detector in the direction of a hypothesized reverse entropy star, you could determine if it existed by whether it "sucked" photons out of the detector...