Recent content by Sduibek

  1. S

    Math/CS Majors: Best Books to Learn Theory & Concepts Easily

    For those who may stumble upon this thread in the future, an update for what it's worth: I'm changing my major. Originally I was thinking some type of Engineering (probably EE or CE) then was more leaning towards CS instead. It made sense because a lot of my friends from high school got majors...
  2. S

    Math/CS Majors: Best Books to Learn Theory & Concepts Easily

    I actually enjoy it when I'm getting the answers. Sometimes I look kind of autistic or something because when I'm chugging through things in my brain I tend to mumble to myself, rock back-&-forth and stare at the ceiling, but when I'm getting the right answers I feel smart and like I'm...
  3. S

    Math/CS Majors: Best Books to Learn Theory & Concepts Easily

    I don't necessarily mean I don't know why math is important, more that that's my emotional reaction -- for example when I'm at the pounding-head-on-desk or brain-turning-to-pudding point, the unwilling mantra "don't care, don't care, don't care" starts running through my head. Not sure how else...
  4. S

    Kind vs. Tough physics/math textbooks.

    I ended up getting 10 well-rated Trig books today. At least one of them is bound to be helpful :D
  5. S

    Kind vs. Tough physics/math textbooks.

    Do any "kind" Trigonometry books exist? I am aiming to further myself in programming (though not necessarily a CS degree) and while I love programming I haven't found a book that says "this is why trig is fun and awesome, here's the concepts in a logical, intelligent, absorbable fashion instead...
  6. S

    Math/CS Majors: Best Books to Learn Theory & Concepts Easily

    Math/CS majors and grads: Which math books do you recommend for theory and concepts? I am retaking college pre-calc Trig and still struggling (C on the first exam). I have yet to ever receive from an instructor or assigned book the following: 1. Why I should care about math / how not to...
  7. S

    Are undefined constants valid in trig equations when other constants present?

    For example: tan(pi/2 - pi/4) = (tan(pi/2) - tan(pi/4) ) / 1 + tan(pi/2)tan(pi/4) Which of course comes out to: undefined + 1 / 1 + undefined Does that equal 1, or equal Undefined/No Solution?sorry for the poor formatting, I couldn't find the mathprint symbols for pi and fractions