Recent content by scupydog

  1. scupydog

    Can a perpetual motion machine truly exist?

    Hi The reason i joined PF 5 years ago was with a similar question i had after finding this site This site concerns a perpetual motion machine. But after talking to the people on PF i now realize that there can be...
  2. scupydog

    Japanese Earthquake - was it really that devastating?

    Just read this.. What are the implications of pumping sea water into the reactor, as this seems be a last resort?
  3. scupydog

    Does Light Take Longer to Reach Us Through a Gravitational Lens?

    Hi The shapiro effect... i'll look into that. Thx.
  4. scupydog

    Does Light Take Longer to Reach Us Through a Gravitational Lens?

    Hi. Thx so much for this info, i will read now.
  5. scupydog

    Does Light Take Longer to Reach Us Through a Gravitational Lens?

    Hi. Does the light from a lensed object take longer to reach us, than the light from an unlensed object at the same distance. I mean because the light from a lensed object has a curved path. Thx. Dave...
  6. scupydog

    Gravitational Lense - Focal Point & Mass-Radius Formula

    Thx for reply, i think i have found what i was looking for
  7. scupydog

    Gravitational Lense - Focal Point & Mass-Radius Formula

    Does a gravitational lense have a focal point, like a nomal lense but as a focal point sphere/horizon. if so is there a formula that relates the mass of the GL with the radius of its focal horizon. Happy xmas.
  8. scupydog

    Could Oil from the Gulf of Mexico Be Causing Oily Residue on Windows in the UK?

    Thx for your answers, I'm still trying to find out what it was from searching the web. It might have to have it shifted into the unexplained file..
  9. scupydog

    Ice Circles - Wild & Natural Wonders

    Looks to me like a band of water that is separating the still ice from the rotating ice. What gets me though, is, has this area of water any properties that differ from the normal (ice, water, steam) solid, liquid, gas? I mean, why is the band so wide if its only friction that's wearing...
  10. scupydog

    Could Oil from the Gulf of Mexico Be Causing Oily Residue on Windows in the UK?

    After some very strong winds last night here, in the U.K. There is an oily type residue which is visible on external glass surfaces ie windscreens. This effect has happened over a 25 mile radius as i know off. Could this be any thing to with hurricane tomas, lifting oil from the surface in the...
  11. scupydog

    Betelgeuse Supernova: Did It Happen?

    Hi, Welcome to PF, Whats your main area of interest?
  12. scupydog

    Gravitational lensing angle equation

    Thx for your reply Johnathan, i never thought to look on there. lots of interesting stuff.
  13. scupydog

    Gravitational lensing angle equation

    Hello. In the attached a diagram there are 2 stars on the left, the upper star is the apparent position as veiwed from Earth and the lower star the true position. The central star is the Sun Could anyone give or direct me to an equation for the angle by which the light is deflected aº in...
  14. scupydog

    Why Does an Object Appear Blue When All Other Frequencies are Absorbed?

    This only happens when the atom has an energy level that matches the energy level of the photon. If the energylevel does not match the photon energy, it does not go back to the light. The energy instead goes toward increasing the motion of the atoms, which causes the material to heat up