Recent content by Scratch

  1. S

    Why Is Halo Considered One of the Best Video Games?

    Jagged Alliance series, Syndicate Wars series, to name a few
  2. S

    Would You Continue Surfing After a Shark Attack?

    Do sharks have natural predators? If so why not paint that natural predators eyes on the bottom of the board? Or just paint a big picture of Oprah on the bottom.
  3. S

    Is there nothing in this house to eat?

    White rice and ketchup I was extremely poor at the time.
  4. S

    Can Designer Drugs Target Specific Brain Chemicals for Depression Management?

    For all of you who get depressed on a predictable time table, spring happy mid summer sad, fall happy, winter sad, type deal. Would it be possible for drug companies to make designer drugs paticular to what your various chemicals are at like dopamine. I mean is there a way to take out brain...
  5. S

    What's the most expired food you've found in your fridge?

    I and my roomates had a cooler that was left outside for a bit looked in and saw that the starburst and beer smell actually quite nice. So we decided to add to it more beer, bread, pizza, whiskey (wild turkey 101 not the good stuff), urine, dog crap. And after 3 years of extreme cold and hot...
  6. S

    News Plight of Terri Schiavo: Facts, Emotions, and Outcomes

    Starvation is a natural way of dying like having no teeth and only beef jerky to eat. We could probably invent a machine to insert and take out a feeding tube but what good is that would probably have to pay a couple thousand just to power up the machine. The point is there is other ways to...
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    News Plight of Terri Schiavo: Facts, Emotions, and Outcomes

    Grace wrote Not to get off subject but Grace what are your feelings towards the sanctity of marriage? Although I am assuming here I would believe seeing as this country is pretty divided that you are leaning towards the right. Which brings me to my point, remember also...
  8. S

    Mysterious Water Freezes Instantly in Cold Climate

    Got a question about something that happened to me today, hoping someone might have an answer that might explain it. I went to get a bottle of water from the fridge that is out in our porch where there is no insulation from the outside. In New England it is very cold about -5F today. I opened...