Recent content by ScotchDave

  1. S

    Calculate Debye Temperature for Carbon 13

    Homework Statement Carbon 12 has a debye temperature of 2230 K, what is the debye temperature of carbon 13? No data on Debye frequency is provided. Homework Equations This is the problem, the only equations I can find relate the Debye Frequency to the Debye Temperature. \theta_{D}...
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    Synch/Cyclotron equations help

    Homework Statement The formula for cyclotronic motion in SI units was shown to be p=qeBR. Show that in units in which R is in metres but p is in GeV/c p=0.3qBR Homework Equations qe^{-}=1.6 \times 10^{-19} C I think! L=\frac{\hbar \times c}{eV}= 1.9732705 \times 10^{-7} m I think! B = 1...
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    Perturbation theory energy shift for hydrogen atom

    I can think of at least 3 Phil's in this lecture course, and there's probably a similar number of Daves. I suppose if you want I can be tiny-dave too, I'm only 6'2''... Dave
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    Perturbation theory energy shift for hydrogen atom

    The question is: which phil are you?? Dave
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    Perturbation theory energy shift for hydrogen atom

    In that step Professor Heath has taken the potential given in the question (4th line down from the question number) and worked on it using the definition of alpha. V\left(r\right) = -\frac{e^{2}}{4\pi\epsilon_{0}r} \alpha = \frac{e^{2}}{4\pi\epsilon_{0}\hbar c} \alpha\hbar c =...
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    Hamiltonians, non-interacting hydrogenic systems, spin correction. Help

    Eyoop gents, just looking for a wee bit of help with a correction term in the energy of a ground state hydrogenic Helium nucleus. I tried searching, but I didn't find what I needed. Non-interacting hamiltonian for two hydrogenic atom is \hat{H}_{0} =...
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    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    Hey, does anyone know of a good resource for comparing different Californian Materials Science/Engineering PhD programs?
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    Difficulty leaving my current position, need advice.

    It really sounds like they want to keep you, so turn it to your advantage. From what you say they need you badly and have in fact had you fulfilling more than your duties. Tell them you will be leaving and that that fact is not negotiable, then follow tmc's advice. But to allow for future pay...
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    Schools What Are the Financial Costs of Attending Grad School?

    Just to clear things up, I will be applying for a PhD. Also fizziks, I am expecting to complete my PhD with some amount of debt, it's just it would be nice if it wasn't too much. I hope to live with my GF, so we can have a SMALL appartment and split the rent and bills. How much do utility...
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    Schools What Are the Financial Costs of Attending Grad School?

    Hi, so I'm a little bit confused about how everything works financially in the US of A, what will my costs be? If I apply, and am offered a TA'ship does this mean they will cancel my fees? Is it the norm to pay fees, or is it the norm to have them waived? How do you go about getting them...
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    How Is the Expectation Value of an Operator Calculated in Quantum Mechanics?

    Also, is there any way to put line breaks without closing the (tex) string?
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    Postgrad in USA: Masters, Finances & Maths

    I don't know abut the financial support, but you'll almost definitely need to take GRE's (Graduate Record Examinations). There's a general paper comprised of two essay writing questions, a verbal comprehension section and a numerical section. There is generally also a subject paper, however...
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    How Is the Expectation Value of an Operator Calculated in Quantum Mechanics?

    Thank you, suddenly it all makes sense. I'm not sure if I'm just too new to QM, or if I forgot the notation, but I think part of my problem with this question was notation. What do you use the vertical line to mean in this expression? \frac{-1}{\sqrt{6}} \langle \Psi | \Psi_{-1} \rangle...
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    Are there any common problems with previewing and posting on forums using Latex?

    Hi, I just wanted to say that: I was told to use fewer (tex)(\tex) commands, as it would make my equations clearer but when I did this there were no preview problems... Thanks Guys Dave
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    How Is the Expectation Value of an Operator Calculated in Quantum Mechanics?

    Ok, so here's my working: \left\langle\hat{O}\right\rangle =\left\langle\Psi^{*}\left|\hat{O}\right|\Psi\right\rangle =\left(\begin{array}{c}\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}}\Psi_{-1}\\\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\Psi_{1}\\\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\Psi_{2}\\\end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c c c}-1 & 0 & 0\\0 & 1 &...