Recent content by Sconlan

  1. S

    Relativistic momentum in terms of another relativisic momentum

    Thank you, I’d overcomplicated it a ridiculous amount because I was rushing 😖 All sorted now 💆🏻‍♂️
  2. S

    Relativistic momentum in terms of another relativisic momentum

    So far I've solved for p1 (I think) but I can't figure out how to write p2 in terms of p1. E_tot^2 = (p1^2 c^2) + (m^2 c^4) p1^2 c^2 = (E_tot^2) - (m^2 c^4) p1^2 = (E_tot^2 - m^2 c^4) / c^2 p1 = √(E_tot^2 - m^2 c^4 ) / c Where E_tot = (mc^2) / √(1 - (v^2/c^2) ) = γmc^2 p1 = √((γm^2c^4...
  3. S

    Relativistic momentum in terms of another relativisic momentum

    I feel like this should be pretty straightforward knowing all the equations involved but my brain seems be stalling for some reason.