Recent content by schmidtc89

  1. S

    Linear Transformations of Matrices

    I am not sure if I did it right. For t(e1) I got <0,1,2> For t(e2) I got <3/2,1/2,-1/2> Standard matrix T( e1 e2 ) -----> <0,1,2><3/2,1/2,-1/2>
  2. S

    Linear Transformations of Matrices

    Yes the above is right and makes sense.
  3. S

    Linear Transformations of Matrices

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution I think I first need to find T(e2)=? and T(e2)=? and then combine those into a matrix. I am having trouble starting to solve for T(e1) and T(e2) so far I have [1] = alpha [1] + beta [3] [0] [2]...