Recent content by satyadhar_joshi

  1. S

    Schools Physics G.R.E. for top universities in U.S.

    can anybody confirm that gre sub test in physics strengthen ones stand in nano for ms?
  2. S

    Schools Physics G.R.E. for top universities in U.S.

    yes me too giving gre for nanotechbology i am in eee and will give gre i am thnking of also giving gre in physics so that my marks in 12th r not counted.
  3. S

    Complex Schrodinger Equation, references?

    can u give some links to the free source things
  4. S

    Masters in Quantum Mechanics: Job Prospects

    what the real big coming carrer also like in nano what in it now?
  5. S

    Masters in Quantum Mechanics: Job Prospects

    CAn anybody guide me about what are the prospectus for jobs if one gets masters in quantume mechanics? pls om namah shivay
  6. S

    Programs Importance of institute for PhD

    good yes i think going ahead is a good thing
  7. S

    Start Nanophysics: Engineering Guide for Beginners

    thanks sir , may god bless you can u recommend some more books pls and pls mention the heading because it is difficult to fins the exact book Like Quantum Transport in that matter
  8. S

    Start Nanophysics: Engineering Guide for Beginners

    What do one need to start with if he in engineering like mechnical or electrical in nanophysics I mean which topics of physics are to be taken first andf handled first and can anybody recommend some books or topics in solid state physics or any books or any guidance?