Recent content by samnathan

  1. S

    Schools Can I study in USA after I have dropped out in EU university?

    Yes, I was thinking about the UK as my second option too. Which universities in the UK (physics, astrophysics) in UK would you recommend to me? Are in the UK any objective tests when applying (physics,math, etc.) or just subjective opinion of the commision whih decide if I am in or not?
  2. S

    Schools Can I study in USA after I have dropped out in EU university?

    Thanks a lot for these suggestions, I will check them.
  3. S

    Schools Can I study in USA after I have dropped out in EU university?

    I would like to continue studying on some other university in the US after I get a Bachelor degree, or I would like to start working there and living too. I know that I can study e.g. in UK or Spain too, but the job market, possibilities and many other things are better, in my opinion, in the USA.
  4. S

    Schools Can I study in USA after I have dropped out in EU university?

    Thanks. With 20.000 I meant only tuition and books not living, public transport or food. Which college would you recommend in my situation?
  5. S

    Schools Can I study in USA after I have dropped out in EU university?

    Hi, I am from Spain. I have dropped out from a university (2 years of medicine in Spain without any degree) and now after 4 years I would like to study a completely different subject and that's physics (or theoretical physics if possible) in the United States. Is this possible or I have no...
  6. S

    How to describe position of our solar system to some ETI in other galaxy?

    Hi, I am wondering how to describe a position of our solar system to some other extraterrestrial intelligence in some distant galaxy to find us? Is it possible or not? i mean if such guidance exist for any galaxy or they have to track back movement of your probe or spaceship etc. and some...
  7. S

    Looking for HIV virus electron microscope images

    Thanks Ygggdrasil for the explanation. It helped me. I hope that in the near future there will be better images of these viruses available and less of Britney Spears. Thanks again ;)
  8. S

    Looking for HIV virus electron microscope images

    It is very sad that there are thousands of picures of Britney Spears and only a few blurry images of HIV ;(. What a cool place to live ;(.
  9. S

    Looking for HIV virus electron microscope images

    I am looking for something like this image (2314x1456px) of Human Pappiloma virus: However, for such "popular" virus like HIV they have only one image which is blurry and adjusted in...
  10. S

    Looking for HIV virus electron microscope images

    On pubmed there are only abstracts, no images, as I know ;(. I think that there is not better image search engine that google have right now, or you think that some other company have better image indexing method and more relevant results? Thanks in advance for any info.
  11. S

    Looking for HIV virus electron microscope images

    Probably the electron microscope is not capable of doing sharp images, who knows.
  12. S

    Looking for HIV virus electron microscope images

    It is really weird, because the virus has cca 100 nm and e.g. scanning electron microscope has resolution 0.05 nm. So the images should be big and sharp enough in higher resolutions like that on internet. I am shocked that there are no bigger images of such popular topis as HIV. I am going to...
  13. S

    Looking for HIV virus electron microscope images

    Yes, I dosearch via google images and bing search , but they are all very small and distorted, nothing like e.g.: So I am looking for some good image quality electron microscope image, where you can see them...
  14. S

    Looking for HIV virus electron microscope images

    Hi, I am looking for some detailed electron microscop images of HIV virus itself. I need it bigger and more detailed then this: I would like to have some picture, not computer render or...